Creating/Switching Additional Accounts in Microsoft Teams


This articles demonstrates how to add an additional account to Microsoft Teams. Users who are both Pitt and UPMC employees then can have access to their separate accounts without having to sign in and out of the application.


1. Click on your initials or profile picture in the upper right-hand corner of the Teams app, and click Add another account.

Red arrow pointing at initials and red box around add another account menu item

2. Click Create or use another account.

Red box around Create or use another account item

3. Type in your Pitt email address, and click Next.

    a. The Pitt Passport (single sign-on) page will pop up.

Red box around sign-in area and red arrow pointing at next button

4. Type in your Pitt username and associated password, and click Submit.

Red box around sign-in area and red arrow pointing at Submit button

5. Complete your DUO Authentication.

Screen shot of duo authentication dialog box

6. Switch back and forth between your UPMC Account and Pitt Account by clicking on your initials or profile picture, and selecting the appropriate account. 

Red arrow pointing at initials and two red boxes around the different account options




Article ID: 2158
Thu 8/29/24 7:46 AM
Fri 9/13/24 10:05 AM