1. Navigate to the channel where the Planner app is installed.
![red box around channels](https://services.pitt.edu/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=287a93a3-2185-4e4a-9d62-361a32531b64.png&beidInt=2)
2. In the channel navigation menu, click the on the Planner.
![red box and arrow pointing at Planner](https://services.pitt.edu/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=1733c0f5-859d-4b45-9aa3-cf26797288f9.png&beidInt=2)
3. Under the bucket, Click + Add Task.
a. Buckets are a way to organize and categorize tasks within a plan. They help you structure your tasks and manage your workflow more effectively.
![red box and arrow pointing at add task button](https://services.pitt.edu/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=9a3bdf3b-ea6b-43fd-afbf-1a0db41246f4.png&beidInt=2)
4. Enter a task name.
![red box and arrow pointing at task name](https://services.pitt.edu/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=7bfb3861-3179-4030-b9d4-0a5af58b4419.png&beidInt=2)
5. Set a due date and Assign the task to individual(s) (optional).
![red box and arrows pointing to set date and assign](https://services.pitt.edu/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=4d1a0e8c-2a3c-400f-8172-1ba3a16117c1.png&beidInt=2)
6. Click Add Task.
![red box and arrow pointing at Add task](https://services.pitt.edu/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=3e07a114-2e55-4c3d-a832-82e0fa1adcc6.png&beidInt=2)