Online Shopping for Your Departmental Software (PantherExpress)


University departments can purchase software through a convenient, easy-to-use online store. The Software Store integrates with PantherExpress, the University’s procurement and payment system.



University departments can purchase software through a convenient, easy-to-use online store. The Software Store integrates with PantherExpress, the University’s procurement and payment system. This online store eliminates the need to prepare paper requisitions when purchasing or renewing University site-licensed software for your department.


  • Convenient: Purchase software through PantherExpress, the same online system you use for your other University procurement needs.
  • Intuitive: Find software quickly through a simple and powerful online search.
  • Efficient: Submit your orders electronically, eliminating the need for paper requisitions.



Using the Online Software Store

All departmental software purchases and renewals must be submitted through the Software Store on PantherExpress. Walk-in service at Bellefield Hall is no longer available.

To Order Departmental Software Online:

  1. Log in to PantherExpress via My Pitt (
  2. Click Information Technology Software Store under Internal (University) Suppliers.
  3. Search for software licenses.
  4. Add products to your cart and proceed to checkout.

 Important Notes:

  • You must be registered to use PantherExpress before you can purchase software for your department. Learn more about obtaining access to the PantherExpress System, as well as training resources.
  • A OneCard cannot be used to purchase or renew software licenses.
  • An account with the subcode 6081 must be used for all Software Store purchases. Your order cannot be processed unless this subcode is used.
  • All software licenses are available for digital delivery.
  • Departmental buyers will be contacted three months prior to the expiration of any previously purchased software that requires renewal. They will be provided instructions on how to renew their licenses. Any purchases made during the last three months of a license period will be automatically grandfathered into the next license period.
  • You should familiarize yourself with the Terms and Conditions for Departmental Use of Licensed University Software.
Frequently Asked Questions

What software titles are available through the Software Store?
The Software Store offers software titles that are available to the University community through site licenses or volume purchase agreements negotiated by Pitt Information Technology. If you are searching for a specific title and don't see it in the Software Store, contact the Technology Help Desk to see if it can be made available.

Why have departmental software purchases moved to PantherExpress?
Integrating departmental software purchases with PantherExpress significantly improves operational efficiency. In addition, it supports the University’s commitment to sustainability by eliminating the need for paper requisitions.

How do I acquire software after I have ordered it?
All software is available via digital download. Check your receipt or order history for download instructions and links.  The individuals for whom you've purchased software (your "named users") can download Pitt Software Store titles directly from Please allow up to one hour for access after a purchase is completed.

Do I need to use a specific subcode for purchases?

Yes. An account with the subcode 6081 must be used for all Software Store purchases. Your order cannot be processed unless this subcode is used.

Can I purchase software for personal use through the Software Store?

No. Personal software purchases sales cannot be made through the Software Store.

How do I view payment information for orders I have placed through the Software Store? 
Payment information for your software orders through the Software Store will appear on your level reports with a PantherExpress PO number.

How do I renew software licenses?
You will receive an email outlining the renewal process for the software three months prior to its expiration. You can also access your previous orders using the account link in the upper right-hand corner, then review your order history and easily renew your software licenses.

Whom do I contact if I need help or have additional questions?
You can contact the Technology Help Desk at any time at 412-624-HELP (4357). You can also submit a request online.




Article ID: 269
Mon 8/7/23 8:54 AM
Thu 10/17/24 11:00 AM

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