The advisor dashboard for the Streams program allows advisors to review their students' progress toward completing program requirements.
1. Access the dashboard at this link:
2. Log in with your Pitt SSO if requested.
3. All students assigned to your stream or current are listed.

4. You can sort alphabetically by column by clicking the title of that column. Click it again to sort in reverse.

5. To search among the student listings, use the search box on the right. This will find matches in any column (e.g. student name, stream, current, or class year).
6. If you have multiple pages of students, navigate through them using the "Next" option on the right and "Prev" on the left.
7. To access an individual student's information, click on their name in the listing.
8. A popup will display their name, their stream, their current, their progress toward completing stream requirements, and a table of all their submitted experiences.

9. The progress tracking and table update any time a student submits an experience.
10. Sort alphabetically by column by clicking the title of that column. Click it again to sort in reverse.

11. To search among the listings, using the search box on the right. This will find matches in any column (e.g. experience title, type, date, hours, or comments).
12. To exit the popup and return to the list of your students, click the X in the upper right.