Phone Conferencing Features and Troubleshooting


How to begin and end conference calls. Also conference audio features.




The University's Voice Conferencing service provides secure, on-demand service that can join up to 300 participants across campus or the globe.

Note for International Participants: International participants can join a voice conference by dialing into the call using the toll number (1-719-867-7633). The participant will pay any international line charges during time spent on the call.



Beginning a Conference Call

  1. Distribute the unique access code and the appropriate dial-in number(s) to your invited participants. Important: Do not distribute your moderator security passcode (7-digit PIN).
  2. To open the conference, call the toll-free number and enter your security passcode followed by the pound (#) sign. Note: The line will remain silent until another person joins the call.
  3. Your participants will join the call by dialing the same toll-free number and entering the passcode that you have provided. The conference call system will use voice prompts to guide participants through the steps that are required to join the call. Note: All participants will remain on hold until you have joined the conference.


Ending a Conference Call

The conference call will terminate after all the participants hang up. However, if one of the participants remains on the line after the moderator hangs up, the call will continue.

To ensure the call has ended and avoid further charges, you can press *93 to disconnect all participants.


Conference Audio Features

The table below summarizes the meeting controls that are available for your audio conference.

  • One-digit controls can be used by all attendees (moderators and participants).
  • Two-digit controls can only be used by the moderator.


Conference Assistance
*0 Connects you to a Premiere Global Services Operator
*1 Help menu lists the phone key combination you need in order to access conference features
*2 Enhanced Services Help menu for moderator feature *22 (record conference for playback). This control can only be used by the moderator.
*3 Conference Configuration Help menu for moderator feature *31 (conference security code). This control can only be used by the moderator.


*4 Increase conference volume
*5 Increase your voice volume
*7 Decrease conference volume
*8 Decrease your voice volume


*6 Mute or un-mute your line
*96 Mute all participant lines
*97 Un-mute all participant lines


Conference Introduction

Activate conference introduction

  • 1 Record a conference introduction
  • 2 Delete a conference introduction
  • 3 Listen to your conference introduction
  • * Return to the conference


*31 Enable/disable conference security code
*91 Hear a participant count
*92 Hear a role call
*93 Disconnect all lines
*94 Lock or unlock conference


Record conference for playback

Records your conference

Upon conference call completion, contact the University operator. Within 48 hours following your conference call, you will receive an email with instructions to access your playback. Please note that there is a nominal charge for recording and replay.


Troubleshooting Tips for Conference Call Audio Problems

The following are tips to help resolve any audio issues that may arise during a conference call:

  • As the moderator, you can monitor the call’s audio degradation as each participant enters the call. If the audio quality declines after a certain participant joins the call, you can ask that participant to press *6 to mute his or her line. The participant can then press *6 again to un-mute the line when he or she would like to speak.
  • If more than one party calls in on an unstable cellphone or a static-filled landline, as moderator you can mute all participant lines by pressing *96. To un-mute all lines, press *97. You can inform your participants that this is being done to help control audio quality and background noise.
  • If audio problems continue, you can also press *0 and a Premiere Global Services operator will join the conference in real time to troubleshoot the problem. Once you press *0, you can continue the conference. Participants will not hear your discussion with the operator. The Premiere Global Services operator is able to determine which participants line(s) has background noise and can mute this line(s). The participant will hear the message “your line is being muted” as the operator mutes the line. The participant can press *6 when they want to speak to the group.



Article ID: 5
Thu 6/29/23 4:27 PM
Wed 9/25/24 9:36 AM