Vulnerability Management Program Quick Start Guide


Developed in response to compliance requirements, the Vulnerability Management program helps University units implement robust vulnerability management processes and procedures. It enables units to quickly identify and mitigate risks to University data and system, and it ensures Pitt remains in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.



Developed in response to compliance requirements, the Vulnerability Management program helps University units implement robust vulnerability management processes and procedures. It enables units to quickly identify and mitigate risks to University data and system, and it ensures Pitt remains in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. 



Framework Overview

The diagram below provides a high-level overview of the Vulnerability Management Program workflow as described by this framework. Each step represents a series of processes and procedures that set out to accomplish a specific objective. Starting at the top and working clockwise, this cyclical process is made up of the following steps:


  1. Identify
  2. Patch
  3. Scan
  4. Analyze
  5. Mitigate & Remediate
  6. Verify


The Identify step of the vulnerability management program encompasses multiple tasks critical to the success of the remaining steps in the program. This includes:

a) Identifying stakeholder(s) involved in vulnerability management processes and procedures and clearly defining roles and responsibilities.

b) Identifying supported information systems, applications, and other assets that fall in scope for vulnerability management.

c) Assessing the impact, or criticality, of supported information systems resulting from the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability.

d) Identifying out-of-date or end-of-life software installed on supported computing systems.

e) Maintaining awareness of the threat landscape and the release of security-related product updates.


The Patch step refers to establishing standardized patch management process and procedures to proactively acquire, install, and verify security-related software updates on supported information systems.


The Scan step involves performing vulnerability scans against supported information systems to detect unpatched or outstanding vulnerabilities.


The Analyze step involves reviewing the vulnerability scan results from the previous step, assessing the severity of detected vulnerabilities, and determining effective mitigation and remediation strategies.

Mitigate and Remediate

Once vulnerabilities have been analyzed and prioritized, this step refers to the processes and procedures by which to implement identified mitigations and remediations and bring vulnerable information systems back into compliance with established standards.


The final step in the process involves verifying those applicable mitigations and remediations have been successfully applied, including performing follow-up vulnerability scans and risk assessments. This includes establishing consequences for continued non-compliance with established standards.


Mitigate and Remediate



Article ID: 559
Wed 11/29/23 1:12 PM
Tue 12/17/24 10:34 AM