Tableau Dashboard for Pitt IT-Hosted Services


This article describes the Tableau Dashboard for Pitt IT-Hosted Services which gives users the ability to view and access their Pitt IT hosting costs in one simple-to-use location.



The Pitt IT dashboard, powered by Tableau, gives users the ability to view and access their Pitt IT hosting costs in one simple-to-use location. Access the dashboard.


Navigating the dashboard

Three navigational tabs are located at the top left corner of the dashboard. The first is Billing Overview, which serves as the default screen. When viewing the dashboard, users will see only information that is attributed to their department (or multiple departments if the user was previously granted access).


Tab 1) Billing Overview

Total billing costs and breakdowns-per-service are shown on the Billing Overview tab. Above the bar chart, which illustrates Billed Costs for your selected service periods, you will find four dropdown menus. These options allow users to quickly customize reporting views.

  • Project – Department Name (can be full name or abbrevation)
  • Account -  Department GL the business department used for FY21 Billing.
    • NOTE: To update your account number, please email Pitt IT Billing.
  • Billing Period – The month and year for your selected service period.
    • NOTE: July and August of 2021 were billed on an average. Billing for September and forward are actuals.
  • Cloud Provider – Pitt Private Cloud (PPC) is where you should check for hosted servers.

Tab 2) Services By Cost

The next tab is Service by Cost. This tab gives you a view of the cost associated with each server by name (Meter Name). It also provides weekly usage for a selected Billing Period.


Tab 3) Services by Usage

The third and final tab is Services by Usage. This view shows usage (in Gigabytes/GB) for each server (Meter Name) for each week of the selected billing period month.


Administrators can view and download usage reports from this tab. Reports list the following categories for each server in a comprehensive table.

  • Provider
  • Service Name
  • Meter Name
  • Week of Usage Date
  • Unit of Measure
  • Minutes Consumed (Quantity)
  • Total Customer Split Cost

To download a report:

  1. Go to the top right corner of the dashboard and click Download.

  2. A popup window will appear with a list of download options.
  3. Click Data
  4. A table with your requested data will appear.
  5. Select Download all rows as a text file to download a CSV file.




How do I access my dashboard?

Tableau Dashboard can be accessed by visiting

What if my project or account is not listed on my dashboard?

Please contact Pitt IT Billing.

How do I view my costs if I have multiple Projects under one account number?

  1. Begin on the Billing Overview tab.

  2. Find the “Project” dropdown menu, located on the upper right side of your dashboard.

  3. Select “All” from your options.

  4. Select the desired account number from the “Account” dropdown menu. The costs for all of the projects under that single account number should be displayed.

Can I drill down into the data for more information?

Hovering and clicking on a part of the data visualization will provide you with additional information. 

What do Filter Controls do?

These allow you to select specific sets of the underlying data and feed them to the data visualization.

What does "PPC" mean?

In the case of this dashboard, PPC means “Pitt Private Cloud."

What does "CPID" mean?

In the case of this dashboard, CPID means “Cloud Project ID.”

What is a Security Group?

A Security Group is an email-enabled group that provides access to the dashboard – created using a department’s RC Suffix and Cloud Billing information.

Will my department receive any monthly bills or physical invoices?

No. Departments will no longer receive monthly bills. Rather, users can monitor costs and usage from this dashboard. Users can also download reports from the dashboard.

When are my bills run for each month of usage?

Billing runs the third Wednesday of every month. The billing file is then run on the last business day of the month. Departments can view their bill after the first few days of the following month.

Example: September usage will be billed on October 20th. A billing file is run at the end of October. Departments can then view their September bill in early November.

What if I want to use the same security group for multiple projects?

You can have the same security group for multiple projects.  The security group defines who can see the project information on the dashboard.

Have rates changed with the implementation of the dashboard?

No. Rates have not changed. However, the yearly rate is now broken down into a daily fee.

Can I add additional users to my security group?

Yes. Please contact Pitt IT Billing or contact your RC admin to add additional users to your security group.



Article ID: 915
Wed 3/27/24 12:00 PM
Wed 9/25/24 1:58 PM

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