Parent/Child event relationships are events that are linked together with one event as the primary, or “Parent” event, and multiple other occurrences as “Child” events. This is particularly helpful for small group events that cover the same content and activities but with different groups of students and faculty. Parent/Child events do not have to occur at the same time or on the same day, but they must be for the same course.
Parent/Child relationships can be set up by linking together existing events, linked together when manually creating an event, or through a .CSV file uploaded into a draft event schedule.
Linking existing events:
- Select the Learning Events tab.
- Make sure you are switched to Administrator View or Director View (this will depend on your role in the system).
- Click the event you wish to designate at the Parent event and select Manage Learning Event.
- Enter the event title or ID into the Child Events field and select the event from the dropdown menu.
Because events often have similar names, it is helpful to use the Event ID rather than the title. You can find the Event ID by navigating to the Child event and copying the number from the event's URL.
- The Child event will appear on the Event Details page of the Parent event. Click Save.
Manually creating Parent/Child events:
- Follow steps 1-8 in Manually Creating Learning Events. This will be your Parent event.
- Select an option in the Event Series dropdown menu. To create several events on the same day, select Custom Event Series and enter the number of additional events that should be created. Click Set Frequency.
- Check the Events created in this series are considered child events check box.
- For the remaining event details, the information will need to be completed separately for each respective event. This is because Child events often include different locations, students, and faculty.
- Complete the steps in in Manually Creating Learning Events for your Parent event and each Child event.
If you need to remove a Child event, click Remove Event from Series.
- When you are finished making changes, click Save.
Uploading Parent/Child events using a .CSV file:
The simplest way to create Parent/Child event relationships is to create a draft schedule using a .CSV file.
When preparing your .CSV file, each event will have its own unique number for the Draft Event and Original Event columns.
In the above example, there are three types of events shown:
A standalone event, highlighted in yellow, is unrelated to the Parent and Child events. It has a unique number in the Draft Event and Original Event fields, and because it is not a part of a Parent/Child relationship or a recurring series, columns C and D are empty.
The Parent event, highlighted in blue, has a unique Draft Event and Original Event number. Because it is the Parent, column C is empty. Column D contains the same number as columns A and B. This denotes that it is the first event in a recurring series.
The Child events, highlighted in green, have their own unique Draft Event and Original Event numbers. Both columns C and D contain the Draft Event number of the Parent event. This indicates that they are both Child events and subsequent events in a recurring series.
Once columns A, B, C, and D have been created, you may proceed with the steps in Creating Draft Event Schedules From a .CSV File to complete your .CSV file and upload your draft event schedule.