myPitt – Task Administrators Quick Start


A guide for task and task center managers on myPitt Portal.






Administration Menu

To access the administration features on myPitt, you'll need to be in a task management publisher group.  Clicking on your profile icon will show the option for "Administration".  You'll be asked to sign in through SSO if you are not already.

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The administration menu contains all administrative functions, however, if you do not have the administrative levels to perform an action, that action will not be saved.  


Tasks - Updating Tasks

Updating tasks can be accessed from the task itself or from the administration menu. Please note, each task is assigned to a publisher group. A task can be edited only if you have access to the task through your editor group.  Changes will not be applied if this is not the case. 

Editing a task from the task tile

In the first method, find and select the "i" for information button on each task tile:

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Clicking on the information button for a tile will take you to the Task Description page.  At the top of the page you'll find the "Edit" option.  Click here to start editing your task. 

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Select "Save" at the bottom of the task edit page to save changes.

Editing a task from the administrative menu

The task edit option can be found in the administrative menu.  Click on "Administrative" option on your profile at top right.  From here, you'll be taken to the default landing page for tasks. 

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From any menu option in the administrative menu, you can return to the task menu by navigating to the menu options at the top right of the page.  Select Tasks, then Tasks again.

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Search for your task by entering the task name in the search bar.  Once you've found the target task, use the drop-down at the right of the task name and select "Edit".

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If you are editing a task which is inactive, deselect the filter "Status: Live".

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Other filter options can be found in the "Filter" option below the search bar.  The filter can be used to sort tasks by status and publisher.

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Additional Notes for Administrators

If you are updating the link to a task, please also check that the task description, as well as screenshot of the link are also updated.  Confirm all changes by clicking the "Save" at the bottom of the edit page. 

If you need assistance or have questions, please open a case through the Pitt IT Help Desk and direct the case to the myPitt team.


Tasks - Removing Tasks

In the task edit menu, scroll down to the bottom of the page.  Here you'll find the option to set a task to inactive.  Select a time to make the task inactive.  Once inactive, the task will only be visible in the administrative menu, but not to users of the myPitt portal. 

Select Save to confirm changes. 

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I suggest making a note in the memo section in regards to the person or reason a task is being made inactive. You'll find the memo option a little above the options for setting the task to be inactive.  The memo option looks like this:

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Tasks - Adding New Tasks

Please use the myPitt - New Task Request form to request new tasks to be added to the myPitt Portal.  You can find the request form by searching "myPitt" in the search bar on the site. The tile for the form looks like this:

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This tile is only available to Staff and Faculty, so make sure to select the appropriate roles in the profile menu if you don't see this tile. You'll find these options in your Profile icon at top right of page.  Select "Campus and Roles" from the drop down menu.  Make sure the appropriate roles are selected.

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Some permissions groups have publisher access.  Please complete the task to include all necessary information.  If you are unsure which criteria to fill, use the myPitt - New Task Request Form instead. 

A more in-depth guide for administrators with Publisher permissions to add new tasks will be coming soon.  Stay tuned.


myPitt Feature Announcements

myPitt feature announcements is a graphic banner at the top of the page of the myPitt Portal landing page.  Here's an example:

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To post a feature banner, the request and content need to first be reviewed by University Communications and completed by the myPitt team. If you have further questions regarding this type of announcement, please put in a case through the Pitt IT help desk. 


myPitt Global Announcements

myPitt global announcements refer to the announcements which appear on right side the landing page of the site.  Here's an example:

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Requests for these types of announcements can be made from the a request form in the myPitt Microsoft Teams.  The request can be submitted by staff or faculty members of the University but is subject to a 2 part approval process from the Pitt IT myPitt team as well as PittWire's communications team. If you don't have access to the Microsoft Team, you can request access by putting in a help case to request access.  You don't want to use the form on the Teams channel, simply put in a help desk case with the following details for approval.   Please note, that there should be only 1 announcement request per ticket.  And no announcement is guaranteed to be posted.  

Please submit the following for announcement request submissions, if you are not using the myPitt Global Announcement Form:

Your name and email:

A brief justification and your role at the University:

Announcement title:

Announcement Body:

Intended audience (Faculty, Staff, Student, Alumni, Applicant, Retiree, Parent of Applicant):

Start Date (Please allow more than 1 week before start time of submission):

End Date:

Other information:


myPitt Task Announcements

myPitt task announcements refer to announcements which appear for individual tasks.  Instructions are coming soon... 


myPitt Testing Environment

Please reach out to the Pitt IT myPitt Team through a help desk ticket with a request for the myPitt testing environment access.  Please include your current University role, brief justification, as well as account access types (Administrator, Faculty, Staff, Student) in your request ticket. 


Publisher/Permission Groups

Each tile on myPitt is assigned to a Publisher/Permissions group.  A valid and currently primary university account can be assigned to a permissions group to gain access to post task announcements, update task and task centers, as well as create tasks.

New publisher groups can be created upon request, please submit a help desk case directed to the myPitt team for assistance. 


myPitt Microsoft Teams

myPitt Publisher/Permissions group members are automatically added to the myPitt team and the Task Publisher private channel.  Anyone interested in myPitt news can join the general channel for myPitt.  If you are in an administrative or permission group role, but do not have access, please submit a help desk ticket to request access. 

The direct link to the myPitt Team is here: myPitt Microsoft Team


myPitt Feedback

The send feedback option will enter a case directed to the Pitt IT myPitt Team.  If you have a questions, or comments you'd like to share, please feel free to use the "Send Feedback" option in your profile icon menu at the top right of the myPitt page.

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Common Questions

Why am I prompted to log in to some services in the new myPitt but not others?

The service displays public services that anyone can view, as well as authenticated services that require you to provide your University Computing Account user name and password. Once you authenticate to one service in the new myPitt, Pitt Passport allows you to access other services without logging in again for up to four hours. If you close your browser session, you will need to provide your user name and password again when accessing an authenticated service.   

Why can’t I access some of the services I see in the new myPitt?

myPitt displays all University services for your selected Campus and Role options.  Check your Campus and Role options are appropriate to the task you are looking to find. The options will appear under your profile name at the top right.

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How can I have my department’s website or service added to myPitt?

We welcome new suggestions for services! Click the Send Feedback link and send us your suggestion. We’ll evaluate it and follow up with you to gather additional information if we determine that it would be a good fit for myPitt.  Faculty, Staff as well as departments can request new tiles for myPitt.  For student organization, please find a faculty or staff sponsor to put in the request.