Using the Elentra Lottery for Students

The lottery module in Elentra allows administrators to create a rotation schedule for your clinical experience.  As a student, you will participate in two stages of the lottery module. In the first stage of the lottery, you rank your potential rotation tracks in the order that you prefer. Elentra uses an algorithm to try to give the most learners their first choice of rotation schedule. After completing the ranking stage, you will then have the ability to swap your rotation schedule with another lottery participant. The directions below will walk you through each stage, and show you how to view your finalized rotation schedule once the lottery has been completed. 


Notifications from the lottery will be located in the notifications module.

image of notifications module


Stage 1 - Ranking your Rotation Tracks 
Stage 2 - Swapping Stage
Viewing Your Clerkship Calendar   

The Lottery is complete once the swapping stage is closed.  Once your schedule is officially published, it will populate to your Elentra Dashboard Calendar. It will display as a running bar indicating the periods of time you will spend in each clerkship. 

The My Rotation Schedule button will appear once you have a rotation schedule. 


My Event Calendar View

Image of My event Calendar


My Rotation Schedule by Month View 

Image of My Rotation Schedule Month


My Rotation Schedule by Block View 

Image of My Rotation Schedule Block