Guest Wi-Fi Options at Pitt


You have three options for guest Wi-Fi access when visiting the University of Pittsburgh: Eduroam, Pitt Guest Wi-Fi (Anyroam), and MyResNet. Use the comparison table below to learn which service best meets your needs.



Comparison Table


Eduroam Guest Wi-Fi

Pitt Guest Wi-Fi (Anyroam)


Best if...

You are a visitor from UPMC or a participating Eduroam institution.

No additional device configuration required.

You want simple Guest Wi-Fi for up to one year that does not require a password. 

One-time device configuration required.

Reminder: Visiting Pitt from an institution that participates in Eduroam? Be sure to use Eduroam—not Pitt Guest Wi-Fi—for guest access while at Pitt. 

You need guest access while visiting University residence halls.

Available Locations

Most Pitt campus locations— including many UPMC hospitals in Pittsburgh’s East End—as well as participating institutions around the world. Not currently available in residence halls.

View other Eduroam locations ...

Most Pitt campus locations, residence halls (Pittsburgh campus and regional campuses), and other institutions participating in Eduroam that have also enabled Anyroam. Not currently available in UPMC facilities.

View other Anyroam locations ...

Residence halls on the Pittsburgh campus, including Bouquet Gardens, Centre Plaza, Darragh Apartments, Forbes-Craig Apartments, and Oakwood Apartments 


Visitors from a participating Eduroam institution (must have a valid login account at your institution)

Any campus visitor—including alumni, sports fans, and contractors. Requires a mobile phone number that can receive text messages.

Visitors to University residence halls on the Pittsburgh campus

Requires Password




Requires Pitt Sponsor





Connect to the network named "Eduroam" using your home institution's login credentials.

View Eduroam setup instructions ...

After arriving on campus, connect to the network named "Pitt Guest-WiFi-Setup,” and follow the instructions under the Pitt Guest Wi-Fi heading to install a certificate and connect.

View Pitt Guest Wi-Fi setup instructions ...

Ask a resident student to grant your device access, then connect to the network named “MyResNet”.

View MyResNet Guest Access instructions ...

Access Time Period


1 Year

Up to 30 days

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Article ID: 235
Thu 8/3/23 10:06 AM
Tue 2/13/24 1:31 PM