The following is a list of the University's Federated Authorization Security Contacts for Student Information Systems (PeopleSoft) and Student Mart:
RC # |
Responsibility Center |
Name |
Resource |
Email |
Phone |
Notes |
1 |
Chancellor |
Constantino, Leo |
Primary |
lmc75@pitt.edu |
412-624-6464 |
1 |
Chancellor - Internal Audit |
McGoey, Jayne |
Primary |
paaiaf@pitt.edu |
412-624-5745 |
3 |
SVC Research |
Manges, Shari |
Primary |
sdm43@pitt.edu |
412-624-6374 |
3 |
SVC Research |
Bayer, Neil L |
Secondary |
sdm43@pitt.edu |
412-624-6374 |
5 |
Student Affairs |
Ruprecht, Barbara |
Primary |
bar50@pitt.edu |
412-648-7917 |
6 |
Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences |
Bodnar, Kristy |
Primary |
kmb439@pitt.edu |
6 |
Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences |
Knox, John |
Secondary |
jknoxiii@pitt.edu |
412-624-1017 |
10 |
SVC and Provost |
Matthews, Mark |
Primary |
mmatt@pitt.edu |
412-624-7517 |
10 |
SVC and Provost |
Mahramas, Ryan |
Secondary |
mahramas@pitt.edu |
412-624-7654 |
10 |
SVC and Provost – OAFA |
Stover, Kerri |
Primary |
kstover@pitt.edu |
412-628-2388 |
10 |
SVC and Provost – OAFA |
Clark, Thuy |
Secondary |
tmclark@pitt.edu |
412-624-4083 |
10 |
SVC and Provost – OAFA |
Jackson, Michelle |
Secondary |
jacksonm@pitt.edu |
412-624-1664 |
15 |
College of General Studies |
Bodnar, Kristy |
Primary |
kmb439@pitt.edu |
15 |
College of General Studies |
Knox, John |
Secondary |
jknoxiii@pitt.edu |
412-624-1017 |
20 |
Honors College |
Hornyak, David |
Primary |
hornyak@pitt.edu |
412-624-6884 |
21 |
College of Business Administration (CBA) |
Schmid, John |
Primary |
magus@pitt.edu |
412-648-2630 |
21 |
Katz Graduate School of Business |
Vinski, Sarah |
Primary |
vinski@pitt.edu |
412-383-3410 |
22 |
Education |
Seels, Fiona |
Primary |
fseels@pitt.edu |
412-624-7250 |
22 |
Education |
Banks, Tammeka |
Secondary |
tbanks@pitt.edu |
412-624-7250 |
23 |
Swanson School of Engineering |
McGuire, Kathy |
Primary |
kam79@pitt.edu |
412-624-9800 |
23 |
Swanson School of Engineering |
English, Erin |
Secondary |
erin.english@pitt.edu |
412-624-9815 |
24 |
Law |
Liberatore, Beth |
Primary |
btl@pitt.edu |
412-648-1409 |
24 |
Law |
Horensky, Jaime |
Secondary |
horensky@pitt.edu |
412-648-1407 |
25 |
Kidney, Renee |
Primary |
rkidney@pitt.edu |
412-648-1997 |
26 |
Social Work |
Jasek, Michael |
Primary |
msj15@pitt.edu |
412-624-6327 |
26 |
Social Work |
Puchalski, Frank |
Primary |
franksp@pitt.edu |
412-624-3195 |
26 |
Social Work |
Soltesz, Megan |
Secondary |
mms34@pitt.edu |
412-383-0515 |
30 |
SVC Health Sciences |
Butchko, Joseph Edward |
Primary |
job112@pitt.edu |
412-624-2054 |
30 |
SVC Health Sciences |
Johnston, Roseanne |
Secondary |
roj18@pitt.edu |
412-648-8835 |
31 |
Dental Medicine |
O'Donnell, Jean |
Primary |
jao4@pitt.edu |
412-648-8672 |
31 |
Dental Medicine |
Reyes, Melanie |
Secondary |
mreyes@pitt.edu |
412-648-1936 |
32 |
Nursing |
Bowser, Amy |
Secondary |
abw33@pitt.edu |
412-624-4079 |
32 |
Nursing |
Panaitescu, Elena |
Primary |
elp40@pitt.edu |
412-624-9142 |
33 |
Pharmacy |
Borrelli, Marcia |
Primary |
borrelli@pitt.edu |
412-648-1120 |
33 |
Pharmacy |
Sorensen, Cheryl |
Secondary |
crs149@pitt.edu |
412-648-8574 |
34 |
Dolinger, Michael |
Primary |
mikedolinger@pitt.edu |
412-624-3004 |
34 |
Faett, Allison |
Secondary |
amf191@pitt.edu |
412-624-3002 |
35 |
Medicine |
Rossi, Katie |
Primary |
kjr2@pitt.edu |
412-648-9000 |
35 |
Medicine |
Reed, Jo Ann |
Secondary |
jareed@pitt.edu |
412-648-9000 |
39 |
Conley, Kevin |
Primary |
kconley@pitt.edu |
412-383-6737 |
39 |
Maguire, Jessica |
Secondary |
maguire@pitt.edu |
412-383-6557 |
41 |
Johnstown |
Hunter, Lisa A. |
Primary |
lah42@pitt.edu |
814-269-7060 |
42 |
Greensburg |
Turkovich, James |
Primary |
turk@pitt.edu |
724-836-9890 |
42 |
Greensburg |
Blair, Matt |
Secondary |
mjb203@pitt.edu |
724-836-7795 |
43 |
Titusville |
Straub, Marjorie |
Primary |
mstraub@pitt.edu |
814-827-4419 |
43 |
Titusville |
Kline, William |
Secondary |
kline@pitt.edu |
814-362-7667 |
44 |
Bradford |
Baldwin, James |
Primary |
jlb20@pitt.edu |
814-362-7676 |
51 |
Weixel, Mark |
Primary |
weixel@pitt.edu |
412-383-7550 |
51 |
Wooten, Rose |
Secondary |
rwooten@pitt.edu |
412-648-7365 |
54 |
Office of University Counsel |
Constantino, Leo Michael |
Secondary |
lmc75@pitt.edu |
412-624-6464 |
54 |
Office of University Counsel |
Manchin, Caitlin Grace |
Primary |
cam271@pitt.edu |
412-624-4092 |
56 |
SVC Philanthropic and Alumni Engagement |
Pyle, Lester |
Primary |
pyledrvr@pitt.edu |
412-624-6193 |
57 |
Educ - Univ Service Programs |
Seels, Fiona |
Primary |
fseels@pitt.edu |
412-624-7250 |
57 |
Educ - Univ Service Programs |
Banks, Tammeka |
Secondary |
tbanks@pitt.edu |
412-624-7023 |
60 |
Libraries |
Jerin, Margarette |
Primary |
jerin@pitt.edu |
412-648-8980 |
61 |
Pitt Information Technology |
Heitke, Anne |
Primary |
arh276@pitt.edu |
412-624-4357 |
61 |
Pitt Information Technology |
Magee, Devin |
Secondary |
djm257@pitt.edu |
412-624-4357 |
61 |
Pitt Information Technology |
Mathias, Luke |
Secondary |
lmathias@pitt.edu |
412-624-4357 |
61 |
Pitt Information Technology |
Winstead, Ray |
Secondary |
wrw6@pitt.edu |
412-624-4357 |
78 |
Matthews, Mark |
Primary |
mmatt@pitt.edu |
412-624-7517 |
78 |
Mahramas, Ryan |
Secondary |
mahramas@pitt.edu |
412-624-7654 |
80 |
Athletics |
Mitchell, Ryan Scott |
Primary |
rsm80@pitt.edu |
80 |
Athletics |
Graham, Seth |
Secondary |
stg34@pitt.edu |
412-648-8246 |
81 |
Keene, Robert |
Primary |
rkeene@pitt.edu |
412-624-3780 |
85 |
SOMD Administration |
Rossi, Katie |
Primary |
kjr2@pitt.edu |
412-648-9000 |
85 |
SOMD Administration |
Reed, Jo Ann |
Secondary |
jareed@pitt.edu |
412-648-9000 |
86 |
SVC Business and Operations |
Zullo, Laura |
Primary |
lwzfm1@pitt.edu |
412-648-1103 |
87 |
SVC and Chief Financial Officer |
Jackson, Corey |
Primary |
cjackson@pitt.edu |
412-648-7186 |
87 |
SVC and Chief Financial Officer |
Kaikaka, Carolyn |
Secondary |
kaempfc@pitt.edu |
412-624-7633 |
87 |
SVC and Chief Financial Officer |
Walter, Matt |
Secondary |
maw136@pitt.edu |
412-624-7593 |
89 |
Human Resources |
Kushon, Kimberly Ann |
Primary |
marascok@pitt.edu |
412-624-0255 |
89 |
Human Resources |
Dickert, Mariah |
Secondary |
mrd89@pitt.edu |
412-648-4068 |
92 |
Business and Auxiliary Services |
Zullo, Laura |
Primary |
lwzfm1@pitt.edu |
412-648-1103 |
93 |
Public Safety and Emergency Management |
Zullo, Laura |
Primary |
lwzfm1@pitt.edu |
412-648-1103 |
94 |
School of Computing and Information |
Lipschultz, Wesley |
Primary |
wpl4@pitt.edu |
412-624-9749 |
94 |
School of Computing and Information |
Sherbinin, Olena |
Secondary |
ols9@pitt.edu |
412-624-9451 |
Document Owner: Pitt IT Security
Version Number: 2.9
Effective Date: 2023-09-15