Unlike the Share window feature, Manage members has no create link option in Shared Drives and the gear icon for permission settings (Shared drive settings) is locked so only Pitt administrators can make changes to the Shared Drive.
Only users with Pitt email accounts can be added to a Shared Drive. There is an exemption process to have this changed at the administrative level. To request an exemption, please contact the Technology Help Desk at 412-624-HELP (4357).
Unlike My Drive, where different users might see different files in a folder depending on the access granted, all Shared Drive members can see all files.
Manage Access
- Select a Shared drive, then click the 3-dot icon to the right of the drive, and select Manage members.

- Enter a user's Pitt email address.

- To add or change a permission level for the user, make a selection from the the Content manager drop-down menu and click Save.
Note: The options are viewer, commenter, contributor, content manager, and manager. The Manager permission can grant access to specific folders in shared drives. The Commenter, Contributor, and content manager permissions can only request the Manager to add people to specific files in shared drives. It is the responsibility of the manager of the shared drive to assign the correct permission level for the users.

For more guidance regarding Shared Drive permission levels, please see https://support.google.com/a/answer/7337554?hl=en.
Remove Access
- Open the Manage members window, then navigate to the user.
- Click the permission drop-down menu to the right of their name.
- Select Remove and click Save.