Taking Attendance in Elentra

Tags Elentra LMS


You can take attendance in a couple different ways in Elentra.  The steps below will demonstrate how you can take attendance manually and through kiosk mode.



Manually Taking Attendance

1. Navigate to your calendar on the homepage, and click on the event you are looking to enter attendance for.

2. Click Review Learning Event.

a. The link could also display Manage Learning Event.

3. On the course homepage, under the Display Style menu, click the check box next to Teacher View.

a. Teacher View may also be displayed as Director View or Administrator View.

4. Click on the Attendance tab.

5. Under the Status option, next to the student name, select the drop-down, and select one of the following Statuses:

a. Absent

b. Unexcused absence

c. Present

d. Late

e. Excused Late

f. Unexcused Late

OMED will determine if the Late or Absent Marking is excused or unexcused.

6. Information for students who have an approved absence will show in the Absence Approval column.

Taking Attendance Using the Kiosk Mode for Large Group Events 

1. Navigate to your calendar on the homepage, and click on the event you are looking to enter attendance for.

2. Click Review Learning Event.

a. The link could also display Manage Learning Event.

3. On the course homepage, under the Display Style menu, click the check box next to Teacher View.

a. Teacher View may also be displayed as Director View or Administrator View.

4. Click on the Attendance tab.

5. Click Kiosk Mode.

a. A pop-up will appear stating that students can now swipe their student card.

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Article ID: 818
Tue 3/12/24 8:31 AM
Thu 9/19/24 10:40 AM