Setting Up Your Dashboard Calendar in Elentra


Dashboard Calendar

The calendar located underneath the Message Center displays learning events and rotation schedules for all of your courses. It can optionally display events for non-course communities that you are a member of.


1. Navigate to Elentra, and click Login with SSO (Single-sign on).

2. Once signed in, you see a calendar displaying your learning box fitted around calendar with two arrows pointing at learning events 

3. Click the My Calendars button to see a dropdown with other non-course community calendars you have access to.arrow pointing at My Calendars button

4. Click the checkbox next to a calendar feed and click Apply to add it to the dashboard box fitted around apply button and and red arrow pointing to checkbox


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Article ID: 897
Tue 3/26/24 8:38 AM
Thu 9/19/24 10:40 AM