Transfer ownership of a scheduled meeting or webinar


How to transfer ownership or host of a Zoom meeting or webinar.


Scheduled Zoom meetings and webinars can be transferred between individuals in the same account using Scheduling Privilege.

  • Verify the new owner is in the same account as the current owner (either non-HIPAA or HIPAA).
  • Verify the new owner has a webinar license if you need to transfer a webinar.


Current owner

  1. Log into
  2. Go to Settings in the left navigation menu.
  3. Go to Meetings tab.
  4. Click the Other section.
  5. Assign scheduling privilege to the new owner.  Note - this will allow the new owner to see all details and settings for your meetings.


New owner

  1. Log into
  2. Go to Meetings or Webinars in the left navigation menu.
  3. Find the event filter to the left of the Schedule button.  The default filter is "Myself".
  4. Change the filter to the person who assigned scheduling privilege to you. 
  5. You should now see events scheduled by that user.
  6. Hover your pointer over the event you want to transfer and click Edit.
  7. The first option at the top of the screen should allow you to change who the event is scheduled for. 
  8. Change the host to "Myself" to transfer the event to your account.  If you have scheduling privilege for other users, you are also able to transfer the meeting to any of those users.
  9. Click Save at the bottom of the event page to save the setting and complete the transfer.


More information regarding Scheduling Privilege and Transferring between users can be found on Zoom Support. 




Article ID: 1210
Wed 5/15/24 11:41 AM
Wed 12/18/24 9:21 AM