This article provides troubleshooting information on some common issues preventing a student from enrolling in classes. This article is intended for advisors/staff that support student enrollment activities.
Check Students Term Activation Record
Check if student is Term Activated for the correct Term and Student Career Number.
Student may have multiple Student Program/Plan's and may not be Term Activated in the correct one.
Was the student inactive (not enrolled) from the past 3 Terms, or not enrolled in their admitted Term? If so, their Student Program/Plan may be discontinued and a new application is needed to readmit the student.
Navigation: Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term Activate a Student
Navigation: Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan
Student may be Term Activated in a Student Program/Plan that is excluded from Self Service Enrollment.
Check if Eligible to Enroll checkbox is checked on the appropriate Term Activation record.
Class May Be Full
Check if the class limit is full and student is placed on the wait list.
Requisites Not Met
This will present as an error "Unable to add this class - requisites have not been met". Check the requisites for the class to see what requisites the student is not meeting.
Advising Hold (ADV) is Still Active for the Term
Check to see if the student still has an active Advising Hold (ADV) for the Term. If ADV Service Indicator (Hold) is present for the enrollment Term, student must see their Advisor to remove the Hold.
Navigation: Main Menu > Campus Community > Student Services Center
Note: ADV Service Indicators do not make a student ineligible for Self Service Enrollment access, it will only block an enrollment transaction from being successful. If a student cannot access Self Service Enrollment, it is not because of an active ADV Service Indicator (Hold).
Check Students Enrollment Appointment
Does the student have an enrollment appointment? Student cannot enroll until the enrollment appointment date/time.
Navigation: Main Menu > Campus Community > Student Services Center
Incorrect Permission Number or Permission Number with Insufficient Overrides
If the student was provided a Permission Number for the class, make sure the Permission Number was generated for the specific subject, Catalog Number, Section Number, Class Number, that the student is attempting to enroll in. Also make sure the correct overrides were set for the provided Permission Number.
Unable to Waitlist a Class
A limited amount of waitlist spots are available for all sections of undergraduate courses and select graduate courses. The waitlist option is available for students to select when enrolling in a course so that when seats become available in a closed course, an automatically run process will enroll the student, so long as all appropriate enrollment criteria for the course are met. If a student does not meet the criteria to be auto-enrolled in a course, the process will select the next student on the waitlist who does satisfy all criteria for enrollment, according to their position number. Students may be waitlisted for up to 8 credits at a time.
Related Information
Office of the University Registrar - Enrollment Information
Office of University Registrar, Faculty & Staff Training
If unable to resolve a students enrollment issue after checking the above situations, please use the Request Help button to open a ticket for further assistance. To facilitate further troubleshooting, please provide the following information if available and as applicable:
- Student's PeopleSoft ID and/or Account
- Student's Name
- Enrollment Term
- Subject, Catalog Number, Section Number, Class Number
- Permission Number being used (if applicable)