1. Click the Start button
2. Type in add a printer and select under Best Match click Add a printer or scanner
3. Select Add device
4. To the right of You’re signed in. Search for work or school device. Select Search for devices.
5. To the right of Show printers and scanner associated with my you may have to click the drop down box and select Work or school.
6. Printers granted to you will appear in this list with the subtext of Cloud printer. If this list is expansive, you may use the search button which says in grey Keywords. All Health Sciences IT managed printers will have a name tag near the LED screen on physical printer itself. The university naming scheme for printers is department–building–room number-printer number. Example: PittIT-CL-780-1. Pitt IT, Cathedral of Learning, Room 780, printer 1.
7. Find the printer you want to add and click Add device
8. The subtext will change to Connecting. This may take up to a minute to progress.
9. Once the printer subtext states Ready, you may print to it just like any other added printer.
10. You may now print to the printer from your applications.