Using Voicemail to Email To Listen to Messages


Listening and replying to Voicemail to Email messages



Voicemail to Email is available to faculty and staff and can be used with Pitt Email (Outlook). It will automatically send your voicemail messages to email. Messages that you read will be marked as read in both your voicemail and email simultaneously, and messages that you delete will be deleted in both your voicemail and email simultaneously.

Note: Please keep in mind that the number of messages in your email inbox affects the time it takes to retrieve your voice messages by phone. For example, if your email inbox contains 5,000 messages, you can expect a delay of seven to ten seconds when you call to check for new voice messages. The delay increases three to five seconds for every 1,000 messages above 5,000 in your email inbox. If you experience a delay when accessing your voice messages by phone, reducing the size of your email inbox can help shorten the time it takes to retrieve messages. You can also contact the Technology Help Desk at 412-624-HELP (4357) to discuss other options.



Listening to Voicemail Messages on Your Computer or Mobile Device

To listen to a voicemail message through your email:

  1. Log in to your email client, or access Pitt Email via My Pitt (
  2. Double click an email message. The Subject line will read "Voice Message from [individual's name]."
  3. Double click the Voice.wav file that is attached to the message.
  4. The default audio player will open and the audio file will begin playing. Once you have listened to your voicemail message, you save it or delete it just like any other email message.
  5. When you are finished, close the media player and the email application.

Replying to Voicemail to Email Messages

You can reply to a voicemail message via email if:

  • Both you and the person who sent the message use Pitt Email (Outlook)


  • Both you and the person who sent the message have opted in to Voicemail to Email

Click the Reply button to send a response to the individual who sent the voicemail. The individual's email address will display in the To field. Type your reply and click Send.

Important: If you click Reply and the address displays in the To field, it means that you cannot reply to the voicemail message via email. If you attempt to send a reply, you will receive a Delivery Failure notification.



Article ID: 39
Mon 7/17/23 3:17 PM
Tue 12/17/24 10:58 AM

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