See below for phone dialing instructions for students.
University Police
To reach police for non-emergencies, dial 412-624-4040.
Local calling
The Pittsburgh metro area has 3 area codes: 412, 724, and 878. Callers must dial these calls as 10-digit numbers.
- Dial 9 + 412 xxx-xxxx
- Dial 9 + 724 xxx-xxxx
- Dial 9 + 878 xxx-xxxx
Residence hall students at the Pittsburgh campus can make unlimited local calls.
University Extensions
All campus extensions can be dialed directly.
- Dial 5-digit extension (the last five digits of the full telephone number.) For example: 412 624-4357
UPMC Extensions
Dial 9 + 10-digit local number
- University Operator: 412-624-4141
- Directory Assistance: 9 + 411