GitHub Enterprise at Pitt

Tags Faculty Staff

GitHub is a web-based collaboration platform for software developers. Often used for version control, GitHub gives teams of all sizes the ability to have individual developers contribute their work to an overall project in a simple and controlled way. The University of Pittsburgh has an agreement with GitHub so that students, faculty, and staff can access projects and repositories hosted by Pitt Information Technology at no cost, regardless of how many collaborators work on the projects.

About This Service

Key Features

GitHub provides a large collection of tools to help developers build products and contribute to projects. Its development platform offers easy-to-use resources in coding environments that are safe and scalable. Learn about GitHub features at their website.

Getting and Using This Service

How do I access this service?

See Getting Started Using GitHub

How do I request this service?

You may request access to Pitt's GitHub organization by clicking the Request Help button on the upper right hand corner of this page. (be sure to include in the message that you are requesting access to GitHub Enterprise at Pitt). Additionally, you will need to receive an invitation from a GitHub administrator (ie: your professor or project leader) to join a specific Pitt GitHub organization. Onboarding times vary, so please be aware it may take several days between the time of your request and access to Pitt's organization.

Who can use this service?

Students, Faculty and Staff


How do I get help?

Submit a ticket by clicking the Request Help button on the upper right hand corner of this page.

Request Help

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GitHub is a web-based collaboration platform for software developers. Often used for version control, GitHub gives teams of all sizes the ability to have individual developers contribute their work to an overall project in a simple and controlled way. The University of Pittsburgh has an agreement with GitHub so that students, faculty, and staff can access projects and repositories hosted by Pitt Information Technology at no cost, regardless of how many collaborators work on the projects.


Service ID: 251
Tue 10/24/23 9:36 AM
Tue 6/4/24 4:57 PM