IP Address Management (IPAM)

Pitt IT manages and maintains the primary and secondary domain name servers (DNS) for the University of Pittsburgh, the range of IP addresses assigned to the University through Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA), and non-routable IP addresses used internally. Pitt IT is the sole coordinating department receiving and reviewing requests for registration of hostnames and IP addresses associated with the University and its networks both physical and virtual.

About This Service

Key Features

  • Efficient Domain Registration: The system simplifies the domain registration process, making it easier and more efficient for Pitt IT to acquire and register domain names on behalf of the university. It eliminates the need for individual departments or units to manage domain registrations separately, saving time and effort.
  • Standardized Domain Policies: Pitt IT's DNS Management establishes standardized policies and guidelines for domain name registration, ensuring that domain names adhere to university branding guidelines and trademark regulations. This consistency helps maintain a professional and cohesive online presence for the university.
  • Improved Domain Security: The domain management system includes security measures to protect domain names from unauthorized access or hijacking attempts. By implementing security protocols and best practices, Pitt IT can enhance the security of university domain names, reducing the risk of domain-related vulnerabilities and attacks.

Service Request Forms

Move an IP Address New IP Address Request

Remove an IP Address Update an IP Address

Getting and Using This Service

Special Considerations

All University domain names end in pitt.edu or pi.tt. Pitt IT manages all domain name including sub-domain names, hostnames, CNAMEs, and all other DNS record types.

Domain name requests must be made by an official representative of university-affiliated unit or organization. The university representative may request a hostname of their choice provided that the names:

  • Comply with all University policies including 08-01-01 (Use of University Name, Logos, Trademarks, Service Marks, and Oversight of the Quality of Goods or Services with which they are Associated).
  • Refer to his/her own department or organization, or to a project managed by his/her department or organization.
  • Do not imply affiliation with a campus individual, unit, department, or activity with which he/she is not affiliated, nor conflict or cause confusion with stated business needs of another individual, unit, department, or activity.
  • Do not diminish the University’s mission or reputation.
  • Do not infringe on non-University trademarks.
  • Domain name requests may be refused or altered for reasonable cause at the discretion of Pitt IT.  

If the requested sub-domain is already assigned to another University department or organization, the current owner may be asked to voluntarily give up the conflicting name. If the department holding the name refuses and the requesting party will not accept an alternative name, Pitt IT will make the final determination.

Except for aliases and other non-address records, each domain name must point to a valid university network IP address. Exceptions may be granted for legitimate business needs and must be approved by the CIO.

How do I request this service?

Submit a ticket by clicking the Request Help button on the upper right hand corner of this page.

Who can use this service?

Faculty, Staff


How do I get help?

Submit a ticket by clicking the Request Help button on the upper right hand corner of this page.

Request Help

Related Articles (1)

Pitt IT's University Domain Name Management Standard


Service ID: 80
Wed 5/24/23 6:13 PM
Thu 6/13/24 10:18 AM