Use this form to request audio/visual support for an event.

This form is used to request Audio Visual support for a University run event. If you are having technical difficulties with a service, please report the incident to the Technology Help Desk Technology Help Desk | Information Technology | University of Pittsburgh.
**If you need immediate assistance, please call the Pitt Technology Help Desk at 412-624-HELP (4357).
Events in the Connolly Ballroom are handled by UCTL. Their request form can be found here:

Contact Information

Your name and contact information will automatically be included with your request. 
The requestor's preferred phone number for follow-up contact.
A short description to explain the nature of a ticket.
Department(s) for whom the training material is being requested

Request Details

Service(s) Requested (select all that apply)
Service(s) Requested (select all that apply)

Event Information

Number of Days
Number of Days
If event is in multiple buildings, list all buildings involved.
e.g., 23
Do you have an itinerary that you can share with us?
If you have an itinerary, please upload it in the Attachments section of the form.
Do you have an itinerary that you can share with us?
Will a PowerPoint presentation be used?
If you have a PowerPoint, please upload it in the Attachments section of the form.
Will a PowerPoint presentation be used?
File attachments associated with the ticket.

Equipment Requirements

Anticipated Audio Visual Hardware Requirements
Anticipated Audio Visual Hardware Requirements
Laptop Requirements
Laptop Requirements
What is the OS(es) of the department supplied laptop?
What is the OS(es) of the department supplied laptop?
Other Peripherals Needed
Other Peripherals Needed
Add any additional information to describe the event or any other special requests not covered above.
Press Alt + 0 within the editor to access accessibility instructions, or press Alt + F10 to access the menu.

Relevant Contact Information

Please provide the name of the primary person that will work with the A/V team on event day.

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code