Crime Alerts

Tags POLICE Alerts


The Police Department issues a crime alert when a serious, unresolved crime is committed on or adjacent to campus, the crime creates a threat of immediate physical harm to faculty, staff or students, and the likelihood of repetition is such that a report is necessary to aid in the prevention of similar occurrences.


Crime Alerts are separate from the University's Emergency Notification Service (ENS). Subscribing to receive ENS alerts does not subscribe you to receive Crime Alerts. You must subscribe to Crime Alerts separately.

Subscribe to Crime Alerts   

All students, faculty, and staff at the University are subscribed to receive crime alerts via email. You are strongly encouraged to subscribe to receive text alerts as well using these steps: 

  1. Log in to
  2. Ensure your phone number appears under the Mobile Phones heading. If it does not, click Add and complete the steps in the subscription wizard. 
  3. Click the Opt-In Lists tab.
  4. Check the campus(es) for which you want to receive crime alerts. The list name options are as follows:
    • Crime Alerts (Bradford)
    • Crime Alerts (Greensburg)
    • Crime Alerts (Johnstown)
    • Crime Alerts (Pittsburgh Campus)
    • Crime Alerts (Titusville)

Other Public Safety Resources

Emergency Notification Service

The University's Emergency Notification Service (ENS) provides University students and employees with critical information in the event of an emergency—using voice, text, and email channels. Everyone at the University is subscribed to receive email alerts from ENS. You are strongly encouraged to subscribe to receive text and voice message alerts, as well. 

Rave Guardian App 

The Rave Guardian app is an optional companion safety app that provides additional options for contacting the Pitt Police. Downloading the app does not subscribe you to receive ENS alerts or Crime Alerts. 

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Article ID: 1893
Tue 7/23/24 1:53 PM
Thu 8/1/24 10:53 AM