Accessing and Getting Started with LinkedIn Learning

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LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform that provides in-demand Business, AI, Technology, and Creative skills. Build the skills that matter with up-to-date expert-led content from 24,000+ courses in 20+ languages. LinkedIn Learning is a highly personalized learning experience designed to help you achieve your professional goals.


Who can use LinkedIn Learning?

LinkedIn Learning is available to current Faculty, Staff, and Students. Alumni will have access to LinkedIn for one semester after graduation. LinkedIn Learning is not available to Sponsored accounts or Resource accounts.



Benefits to Connecting your profile to your LinkedIn Learning Pitt license:

Connect your profile to your LinkedIn Learning Pitt license so you’ll have a richer learning experience powered by the data and insights of the LinkedIn network. You can get tailored course recommendations based on your work experience and skills, and you can also find courses that other people in your network and organization are learning. You’ll learn with a supportive community as you have discussions with peers and instructors in Learning Groups, Q&A, and live office hours. More benefits are listed in the table below:


  Linked (Recommended)


How to

  Linking Instructions

  Unlinking Instructions

Completed LinkedIn Learning courses will post in LinkedIn profile



Completed LinkedIn Learning Skills will post in LinkedIn profile



Can use my University Computing Account (UCA) with LinkedIn Learning integration



Can use my personal LinkedIn Learning account with the LinkedIn learning Integration



Can be unlinked


  Yes – Once linked

University Computing Account (UCA) is the only LinkedIn Learning Profile



Completed courses and certificates remain accessible after you leave Pitt



Additional details on the Benefits of connecting your LinkedIn profile are available at

Access Pitt LinkedIn Learning and Connect your Account

  1. LinkedIn Learning is accessed via myPitt ( 
  2. You may be asked some onboarding questions, such as your career goal, and this is optional.
  3. Next, you will be prompted to Connect your account, and this is recommended but not required.
    1. If you already have a LinkedIn profile, sign in using your personal credentials. If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile yet, click “Join now”. Click “Accept and continue” after confirming your identity.
    2. If you choose not to connect your LinkedIn account, you will create a separate LinkedIn Learning account that is not connected to
  4. Select the skills you are interested in learning. If you already specified your career goal, you may receive a recommendation for some top skills.
  5. Set a weekly learning goal to track progress. You can change this at any time.
  6. You’re ready to get started. Based on your inputs, LinkedIn Learning will recommend a few courses for you to start.


Related Information

More Ways to Get the Most from LinkedIn Learning

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I link Pitt LinkedIn Learning to my LinkedIn account?

Log into LinkedIn Learning. Click your photo in the top right corner and select Settings from the dropdown that appears. Below Connect your LinkedIn account to your LinkedIn Learning account provided by your organization, click Connect my account. Log into LinkedIn Learning again. Additional details are available at


What if I change my mind?

I connected my LinkedIn account to LinkedIn Learning, and now want to disconnect it?  See details on how to disconnect at


Is my data secure?

When you connect your LinkedIn profile, rest assured that only basic profile information, such as your job title and profile photo, will be shared with your employer. They will not have access to private activity from your personal LinkedIn account, such as your connections, private messages, or job search activity. See details on primacy at


Where can I learn more about LinkedIn Learning?

Current Faculty, Staff, and Students may log into myPitt > LinkedIn Learning and explore all their menu topics including Home, My Career Journey, Learn, Apply, and Trending. Alumni will have access to LinkedIn Learning for one semester after graduation, and they may log into myPitt > LinkedIn Learning and explore their menu topics. General information is available at LinkedIn Learning.


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Related Services / Offerings (1)

LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform. It provides video courses taught by industry experts in four categories: Business, Creative, Technology, and Certifications.