Who can use Lecture Capture?
Anyone with a primary University Computing Account has access to the system. Sponsored accounts may request access to Lecture Capture by contacting the Technology Help Desk at 412-624-HELP (4357) or submitting a request online.
Who can create content within Lecture Capture?
Faculty and staff with a primary University Computing Account are given "Home Folders" in the system. Users can create and share content via folders.
How can students be granted access to create content?
Students can be given access to create content in a number of ways:
- A faculty or staff member can grant that student "creator" rights to their own folder.
- A faculty or staff member can create a subfolder within their own folder and grant the student "Creator" rights to it.
- An instructor can create Assignments folders for classes and grant permission to student viewers to record their own content. Students given this permission cannot see other students’ recorded content.
How do I share content with users outside of Pitt?
If you need to share content with users outside of the University, you have several options:
- If the users already have Pitt accounts, you can share the content with those accounts and the users will be able to authenticate and view the content.
- If the users do not have Pitt accounts and you need to have them authenticate first, you can request that a sponsored account be created. Each user should be given their own account; they should not use a single shared account.
- If the users do not have Pitt accounts, select Anyone on the internet to share the video, then send the user a link to the recording. This will share it without requiring the users to authenticate first.
What if I want to create content that is shared with a group, but not tied to any one person?
If you have a need to create content but don't want it tied to a specific user, create a subfolder under one user and use it to share content. If that user ever leaves, the subfolder can be reassociated with another user.
Can sponsored accounts access the service? If so, what do they need to do?
Yes, but they are not given access by default. To request sponsored account access, please submit a request to the Technology Help Desk.
Can I add closed captioning to my video?
Yes. Information is also available about a machine-generated captions and a modestly, priced human transcriptions service offered by Panopto for generating closed captioning.
Please note: unedited, machine-generated captions do not meet the ADA 508 compliance standard. However, Human transcriptions meet this requirement.
Does Lecture Capture have remote recording functionality?
Yes. To set up an automatic recording schedule for your classroom recorder device, contact the Technology Help Desk.
Can I restrict access to Lecture Capture content using Active Directory groups?
No. It is not currently possible to restrict access to a folder or piece of content using Active Directory groups. Pitt IT is working on this. In the meantime, end users can create one or more local groups containing users with restricted access.