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Details about the storage options for Zoom instructional recordings.
How to add Panopto integration into a Canvas course
Stay protected when creating videos with Panopto.
Information about how to use Lecture Capture for more than just courses!
Frequently Asked Questions about the Lecture Capture (Panopto) system.
How to download videos from Zoom and upload them to Panopto.
Get started with Panopto, a lecture capture services that instructors can use to record and live stream lectures, demonstrations, and additional classroom video from anywhere.
Getting started with Lecture Capture (Panopto) Recorder on a macOS-based computer.
Getting started with Lecture Capture (Panopto) Recorder on a Windows-based computer.
University Zoom meetings recorded to the cloud are integrated with Lecture Capture (Panopto), the University’s trusted service for storing and sharing recorded lectures, training sessions, demonstrations, and meetings. The upgrade also makes it easier for instructors to share recorded Zoom lectures with their students via the Panopto Course Navigation link in the Canvas course.
Key considerations and guides to help ensure your privacy and the security of University data.
This article discusses Panopto Closed Captioning and ADA Section 508 Compliance.
This article detail how to install the Lecture Capture (Panopto) Recorder on a Windows (10 or 11)-based computer.
This article details how to install the Lecture Capture (Panopto) macOS Recorder on Macintosh computers running macOS Big Sur 11.2.0 or later.
How to restore deleted panopto video recordings.