How to Restore Deleted Panopto Video Recordings


As a user, you can restore recordings that were placed in the Recycle bin to your library for up to 90 days.
Note: If a recording is restored and it was in a folder that was deleted, the folder will also be restored.



  1. Visit Lecture Capture (Panopto) via My Pitt.
  2. At the bottom of the left-hand side navigation menu, click System, then Recycle Bin.
  3. Hover over a recording in the Recycle Bin, then click Restore.
    Note: To restore multiple recordings, select the Restore option located above the recordings.
  4. Click Yes.

Restored recordings are returned to the location they were previously located in, prior to being placed in the Recycle bin. Use the Search feature in the Panopto menu ribbon to locate your recordings.

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Article ID: 585
Mon 12/11/23 3:08 PM
Wed 5/8/24 3:33 PM

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LECTURE CAPTURE My Pitt Video (Panopto) is lecture capture software that makes it easy to create and share content using your computer.