Other Uses for Lecture Capture (Panopto)

Lecture Capture is an excellent tool for capturing and sharing classroom lectures, but the service has many other potential uses:

  • Broadcast live events: Lecture Capture can livestream campus events or presentations delivered by visiting speakers. Your viewers can even submit questions to the presenter in real time for an interactive experience. Once finished, you can publish livestream recordings online for viewing at a later time. Faculty and staff can use Lecture Capture software to record multiple video sources in a classroom, edit them into a single video, and share video content with students. For example, a faculty member might combine a recording of her lecture, her PowerPoint slides, a document camera, and a recording of the questions her students asked during class. Using Lecture Capture, you can upload pre-recorded videos from previous lectures or terms.
  • Create training materials: Lecture Capture makes it easy to create and record training videos using a laptop and webcam. Host training videos in the cloud and make them available to anyone. You can also search inside videos to quickly find key terms. As faculty, use Lecture Capture to record lectures and make them available to students for playback. As a student, you can view recorded lectures on almost any device-searching and annotating the recordings to enhance learning.
  • Store and share existing video content: Lecture Capture does more than just create new video content. It lets you store and share existing videos. Schools and departments can create an easily-accessible library of their video content–campus events, guest presentations, live webcasts, interviews–that are easily accessible from any device. Lecture Capture makes it easy for you to find videos and search them for specific content.