Snowflake Analytics Enablement Service Offerings

Automating Tableau Extracts or Alteryx Workflows with Snowflake

Pitt's Snowflake data warehouse provides secure access to university data.  In order for developers, SQL power users, and system integrations to extract data from the warehouse, they will need to create an Automation Account.

An Automation Account (AA) provides technical users with the ability to access data when utilizing Pitt Passport is impossible. Automation Accounts must be associated with an existing CDS account with access to data in Snowflake.  This can be a user's primary account, or a resource account.  Upon request, Pitt IT Analytics will create an automation account connected to the provided sponsor account.  Contact the Help Desk and provide the sponsoring CDS account you would like to use to host the Automation Account.

  • Accounts are created with the AA_ prefix.  (accounts created in lower environments will have that environment as a prefix)
  • Automation Accounts (e.g. AA_SCR18) share the same role with the hosting account. The role name is the environment + the username ('PROD_SCR18')
  • The PROD_SCR18 role gets it's access through Federated Authorization, or other access to governed Snowflake data sources
  • The sponsor of the account is provided the initial password, and assumes responsibility for changing the password every 365 days. Reminders will be sent.
  • Changes to the sponsoring  account's access will be mirrored in the Automation Account

Automation Accounts replace functionality previously offered through UDA4 accounts.  UDA4 users should plan to move their workloads to Automation Accounts by July 2025. Contact the Help Desk to request a consultation on migration.


Analytics Database Hosting in Snowflake

Alteryx and Tableau developers can take advantage of Analytics Database Hosting in Snowflake.  The Analytics Database Hosting program allows analytics developers to store data specific to their responsibility center in Snowflake.  Data from responsibility centers and the enterprise data sources can be combined via SQL to drive analytics value for your team.  A schema is created in Snowflake to host the RC (or RC project) data, and users can be granted write access or read access to the data.  Combined with an Automation Account, university developers have a flexible, governed platform for analytics workloads.

  • Schemas are named with an R and the responsibility center code (e.g. R61).  Analytics teams are encouraged to utilize the RXX base schema, though sub-projects can be created with the prefix and a project name (e.g. R61_OPERATIONS).
  • Two "LAC - " prefixed groups will be created to govern access - one for read only to the schema, and one for creating and update tables.  Access is then granted to CDS groups controlled by the responsibility center.  This allows for collaboration and sharing of data, all within the control of local data analysts and RC administrators.

Analytics Database Hosting replaces the UDA4 database hosting.  UDA4 users should plan to move their workloads to Analytics Database Hosting or another solution by July 2025. Contact the Help Desk to request a consultation on migration.

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