Terms and Conditions for Departmental Software


The University, through Pitt IT Software Licensing Services, makes commercial software available for departmental research and academic use under the terms and conditions of agreements with software vendors. Your use of any and all such software is governed by applicable law, the University’s software contracts, University policy, and the University Student Code of Conduct.


By installing and using software provided by the University, you agree to the following:

  1. You do not own the software, but are given permission to use it according to applicable terms and conditions.
  2. Permission to use the software is granted to your licensed users only. You may not give, sell, lend, or lease the software to anyone else.
  3. You may install the software only for the number of users for which it was purchased. Some products include code that enforces the limits on the number of times software may be installed.
  4. If a product key or license code is required to activate and use the software (or certain features of the software), you may not distribute or disclose this code to anyone other than your licensed users.
  5. All software may only be used for academic and research purposes; commercial usage is strictly forbidden.
  6. Any software that has an associated renewal cost must be renewed annually. If the software is not renewed, it must be removed from all applicable workstations.

Further restrictions on use may apply to certain specialized software applications and this information is provided on the product’s page. Please contact the Technology Help Desk at 412-624-HELP (4357) for additional information or assistance.


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Article ID: 386
Fri 8/18/23 1:14 PM
Tue 2/13/24 1:45 PM

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