General Guidelines and Information
Keep in mind that items in a shared OneDrive folder are visible to all individuals who have access to that folder. Therefore, it is critical that access to the folder is carefully curated and maintained. Access should be granted based on the least privilege principle, which means only those who need access for their jobs should be granted access and they should only have the level of access (for example, read, write, etc.) necessary to perform their job functions.
Additional security guidance for OneDrive is available on Pitt Information Technology’s website.
Loss of Access
Once content is shared with a UPMC user, they will retain access to that content until one of the following events:
- The Pitt user who owns the shared content has left the organization for more than one year and is not continuing in any other capacity.
- The Pitt user who owns the shared content moves the content to another location or deletes it
- The Pitt user who owns the shared content removes the Pitt user’s sharing permissions
How To Share with UPMC Users
1. Navigate to the Recordings folder in OneDrive, select the individual recording file you want to share, click the three veritcal dots, then click Manage access.

2. Grant access to individuals using the “Links giving access” or “Direct Access” sections.

3. If using Direct access, click the plus sign, enter the individual’s full UPMC email address in the To: field, then click Enter.

4. A note will display indicating the individual is from an outside organization. Click the down arrow to select the individual’s permission level (for example, view or edit), then click Grant Access.

5. Once the UPMC employee has been granted access, they will receive an email with a link. They will need to log in using their UPMC email address.

6. The UPMC employee will next need to enter the verification code that is sent to their UPMC email address.
Refer to Microsoft’s online documentation for more information about sharing OneDrive folders and files.