Pitt Information Technology offers two telephone, voice messaging, and conferencing services available to faculty and staff on all campuses – Avaya and Teams. Service options have features that include voicemail, local calling plans, on-campus phone lines, off-campus business lines, fax lines, authorization codes for phones with calling restrictions, automated call distribution (ACD), automated attendant, calling restrictions, toll free numbers, audio conferencing, emergency phones, and other advanced telephony services.
We work closely with departments and Facilities Management during the planning and construction process to provide the infrastructure needed for high-quality data and voice services.
All equipment is evaluated for upgrades on an annual basis. Maintenance is performed during established change windows and downtimes to ensure stable and reliable service.
Request Service
To request these services, use the online Voice and Data Services Request.
The University offers voicemail service to faculty and staff including a variety of standard features such as personalized greetings, envelope information, and forwarding of messages.
If you are a Teams user, you have access to voicemail.
To request voicemail for an Avaya device, use the online Voice and Data Services Request.
Optional Voicemail to Email
The Voicemail to Email service delivers voicemail messages to a faculty or staff member's Pitt Email (Outlook) address as an audio file attachment. Voicemail to Email is available to faculty and staff at the Pittsburgh campus only. You can listen to your voice messages on your desktop computer, laptop, or smartphone using an application capable of playing .wav files (such as Windows Media player or iTunes). Once read, you can delete the message, forward it, or reply to it, just as you would any email message.
Note: You can only reply to voicemail messages via email if both you and the person who sent the message have opted in to Voicemail to Email and if you both use Enterprise Exchange.
Voicemail to Email works with the University's Enterprise Email system, Pitt Email (Outlook). The two-way integration with Enterprise Exchange email means that if you delete a voice message from your email, it will be automatically deleted from your voice mailbox at the same time.
If you are a Teams user, you have access to voicemail to email.
To request voicemail to email for your existing Avaya voice mailbox, submit an online help request. There is no cost for the service if you already have a voice mailbox.
If you do not already have a voice mailbox, you can request one by submitting the Voice and Data Services Request. There is a fee to set up your voice mailbox.
Faculty and Staff Services
The following services and features are available to faculty and staff:
Telephone Operators
The main University number is 412-624-4141. The University provides telephone operators who are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to help direct calls.
Phone Lines
- Teams can be used whether on campus or off campus.
- Users of the traditional University phone system, including users of Avaya devices, can
- Request a phone line and number for on-campus use.
- Request an Off-Campus Business Line: This category of phone lines can be used for special needs, including automated monitoring of building environmental conditions and elevator phones. Business lines are also provided for some off-campus locations that do not have access to the University's PBX telephone service and require business telephones.
- Request Fax and Other Data Lines: Pitt IT provides the phone numbers and any needed cabling for fax machines and data lines. However, equipment for these services is obtained through the University's Purchasing office.
By-Request Telephone Features
- Authorization Codes: Enables individuals to make calls to any location from phones with Calling Restrictions. These calls are chargeable to your department.
- Automated Call Distribution (ACD): This service is used for high-volume call applications such as a customer support center. Calls are automatically routed to individuals based on customized rules to create an efficient call management environment. Real-time and historical activity reporting is available. Pitt IT will consult with your department to determine how this feature can benefit you.
- Automated Attendant: Common in most customer-service applications, this feature, provides a touch-tone menu to help efficiently route calls. The customer then is connected to the person who can most effectively address his/her needs. Pitt IT will consult with your department to determine how this feature can benefit you.
- Busy Indicator: This service tells you at a glance if another person is currently using his or her phone. An indicator light turns on when the individual is using their phone. The indicator light turns off when the individual hangs up. This feature can be especially helpful for administrative staff.
- Call Masquerading (for Teams): Caller id information appears to come from a number other than your own. To turn this feature on or off, submit a Voice and Data Services Request .
Note: Some restrictions apply. Once enabled, all calls have the masquerading applied to their Caller ID except for Teams-to-Teams calls.
- Call Pickup: Help to ensure that incoming calls are answered quickly with Call Pickup. This feature allows a person to immediately answer another person's ringing phone.
- Calling Restrictions: Departments are charged for off-campus calls. To control departmental costs, phones can be restricted to allow calls to limited specific restriction levels:
- Campus only
- Local areas codes (most of 412/724/878)
- All United States area codes
- International locations
- With Authorization Codes departments permit select individuals to override calling restrictions
- Cover Path: Ensure that your incoming calls are answered by directing the call to as many as six other phones.
- Voiceapp (for Teams): Voice applications are built to your specifications to handle call routing, time of day, day of week, and allows call handling by multiple people.
Telecommunications Billing System
Pitt Information Technology provides an online billing system for telecommunication services. This system provides a convenient way to track charges for telecommunications and network services used by University departments. Call detail reports are available for the auditing and management of telecommunications expenses.
Departments can access and download their bills, which contain the detail of the charges.
Access to this service is restricted. Please complete the Access Request Form to request or change access.
Authorized users can reach the service via My Pitt. Detailed instructions are available.
Billing Support
Pitt IT provides convenient support via online forms or by phone.
- Billing Inquiry: Have a question concerning your telecommunication bill? Use this form to communicate the details of you inquiry. A billing specialist will follow up with you.
- Billing Account Change: Requests general ledger account changes. A billing specialist will follow up with you.
If you require any other assistance, please contact the 24/7 Help Desk at 412 624-HELP (4357) or submit a help request online.
Detailed Help
Additional Phone and Voice Services
- Toll-Free Phone Numbers
Your students, faculty, staff, or customers can reach you easily through a toll-free phone number chargeable to your department. Toll-free numbers have area codes of 855 and 844.
- Renovation and Construction: Pitt IT works closely with departments and Facilities Management during the planning and construction process to provide the infrastructure needed for high-quality data and voice services. Involve us in your building project early.
- Customized Phone Solutions: Can't find what you need? Does your department require a customized phone solution? Pitt IT can help.
If you require any other assistance, please contact the 24/7 Help Desk at 412 624-HELP (4357) or submit a help request online.
Desktop Phone Models
The University suggests several desktop phones for faculty and staff:
Polycom CCX400

- Works with Avaya and also works with Teams
- speakerphone
- color touchscreen display
- Pricing: ~$195
Learn more about this phone
Polycom CCX500

- Excellent integration with Teams and support a variety of features utilized by many power users
- Color touchscreen
- USB headset support
- Speakerphone
- Expansion module (sidecar) support
- Pricing: ~$275
Learn more about this phone
AudioCodes C455HD

- Excellent integration with Teams and support a variety of features utilized by many power users
- Color touchscreen
- USB headset support
- Speakerphone
- Expansion module (sidecar) support
- Pricing: ~$280
Learn more about this phone
Polycom VVX501

- Gesture-based, multitouch-capable, capacitive touch screen
- 3.5-inch TFT LCD display at QVGA (320 x 240 pixel) resolution, 4:3 aspect ratio
- Screensaver and digital picture frame mode
- On-screen virtual keyboard
- Voicemail and videomail support handling features
- 12 lines
- Up to 24 simultaneous calls
- Shared call/bridged line appearance
- Flexible line appearance (one or more line keys can be assigned for each line extension)
- Distinctive incoming call treatment/ call waiting
- Call timer and call waiting
- Call transfer, hold, divert (forward), pickup
- Called, calling, connected party information
- Local three-way audio conferencing
- One-touch speed dial, redial
- Remote missed call notification
- Do not disturb function
- Electronic hook switch capable
- Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000) line interface
- Second Ethernet interface 10/100/1000 Mbps
Learn more about this phone:
Avaya 9608G

- Monochrome display – 3.2 inches x 2.2 inches (8.2 cm x 5.5 cm)
- Eight buttons with dual LEDs (red, green)
- Four softkeys
- Hard buttons for phone, messages, contacts, history, home, navigation cluster, headset, speaker, volume, mute
- Red LEDs for speaker, mute, headset, message, history
- 24 administrative buttons
- Wideband audio in handset and headset
- Full duplex speakerphone
- Ergonomic hearing aid compatible handset supports TTD acoustic coupler
- Message waiting indicator
- IC call alerting with 360-degree visibility
- Rich, classic and alternate ringtones
- Wall-mount and dual-position stand
- Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000) line interface
- Second Ethernet interface 10/100/1000 Mbps
Learn more about this phone.
Avaya 9611G

- Color display - 2.8 inches x 2.1 inches (7.0 cm x 5.3 cm) – Diagonal width: 3.5 inches (8.8 cm)
- Eight buttons with dual LEDs (red, green)
- Four softkeys
- Permanently-labeled feature buttons: Speaker, Mute, Volume, Headset, Contacts, Home, History, Message, Phone
- Permanently-labeled Navigation Cluster (Up/Down, Left/Right, OK)
- 24 administrative buttons and up to 8 lines displayed simultaneously with green/red LEDs
- Wideband audio in handset and headset
- Full duplex speakerphone
- Ergonomic hearing aid compatible handset supports TTD acoustic coupler
- Two message waiting indicators
- Gigabit Ethernet support
- Wall-mount option and dual-position stand
- Ethernet (10/100/1000) line interface
- Secondary Ethernet interface 10/100/1000 Mbps
Learn more about this phone.
Request Phones
Teams Phones can be purchased via the Teams devices storefront in Panther Express.
To request Avaya telephones, submit a Voice and Data Services Request.
Detailed Help
Telecom Service Pricing
Standard Services and Activations
Monthly Service Fees – Voice
Single Line Service |
$9.00 per month, plus voice usage (see below) |
Voicemail for Single-Line Service |
$5.00 per month |
Multi-Line Service – includes voicemail and domestic usage |
$39.00 per month, plus international usage |
Microsoft Teams – includes voicemail and all usage |
$14.00 per month; no usage charges |
Voice Usage Charges
Local – all calls within 412 and 724 area codes |
$.05 per call |
Calls within PA – outside 412 and 724 area codes |
$.06 per minute |
Domestic Calls – anywhere else within the U.S. |
$.05 per minute |
International Calls – calls outside of U.S |
varies |
Directory Assistance |
$1.50 per minute |
Cellular Charges
Cellular Phones and Plans |
varies |
Cellular Activation or AOL* |
$50.00 |
Cellular Upgrade/Downgrade, Plan Change, Accessories Order |
$25.00 |
Cellular Deactivation, Information Request |
no charge |
Port Activation Charges
Voice/Data Port Activation |
$100.00 |
Voice Software Change |
$50.00 |
Electronics for Port Activations* |
$220.00, plus labor (see below) |
Labor Rates
Standard Labor |
$100.00 per hour |
Overtime Labor |
$150.00 per hour |
Expedite (SLA 3 business days) |
$100.00 flat fee, plus OT labor charge |
*AOL - Assumption of Liability (transfer of billing responsibility) |
Teams phones and headsets can be purchased via the Teams devices storefront in Panther Express.
To request Avaya telephones, submit a Voice and Data Services Request.
Detailed Help
Telephone and Voicemail