Zoom Single Sign-On Error


What to do if a user receives a Zoom error message when attempting to sign into Zoom through SSO.



A user may sign into https://pitt.zoom.us and receive the following error message after authenticating with their University of Pittsburgh user account:

Something went wrong while you tried signing in with SSO.

To further troubleshoot the issue, please contact your admin and provide the following tracking ID.

Web_[33-character tracking ID]



The user is not entitled to use the Zoom service

The user account trying to log in is not currently entitled to use the Zoom service through the University.  Common reasons are described below.

User account is an affiliate

The user account is not faculty, staff, or student, and is not a sponsored account.  Access to Zoom may be granted on request with the Technology Help Desk.

User account is an alum, recently graduated, or inactive in PeopleSoft

Alumni and students no longer registered for classes are not entitled to the Zoom service.  If a recently graduated student is a student employee who still needs to host Zoom meetings for their department, access may be granted on request with the Technology Help Desk.  All other users may create a free personal Zoom account

User previously purchased a subscription for a Zoom account

Normally, if a person created a personal Zoom account with their University email address, signing into https://pitt.zoom.us will show a prompt to migrate that account into the University of Pittsburgh Zoom account.  However, if the person previously purchased a subscription from Zoom or have multiple users assigned to their account, they would not be able to migrate on their own.  A request may be made with the Technology Help Desk to manually migrate these users, provided any assigned user accounts not associated with the University of Pittsburgh are removed.  Alternatively, if the person wishes to keep their personal Zoom account, they may unlink their Pitt email address from the account by changing their sign-in address to something else (such as a personal email address), and then sign into https://pitt.zoom.us to create their Pitt Zoom account.

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Article ID: 1183
Mon 5/13/24 11:56 AM
Mon 1/6/25 9:42 AM