Subscribe and Receive Emergency Notification Service (ENS) Alerts


The University's Emergency Notification Service (ENS) provides University students and employees with critical information in the event of an emergency—using voice, text, and email channels. Upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees, Pitt’s ENS will be activated without delay.



Emergency Notification Service (ENS)

The University's Emergency Notification Service (ENS) provides University students and employees with critical information in the event of an emergency—using voice, text, and email channels. Upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees, Pitt’s ENS will be activated without delay. The exception to this is when activation will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist victims, or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency. Delivery of these emergency alert messages is handled by Police Department communications specialists and is directed by the Chief of Police. Pitt Information Technology provides support and guidance for usage of this service.

UPDATE: All Pitt students and employees are automatically enrolled to receive ENS alerts at their email address. Beginning mid-January 2024, students on the Pittsburgh campus will be automatically registered to receive alerts via SMS message on their mobile devices using the phone number on record with the University.

Follow the below instructions to subscribe or unsubscribe from the service.


How to Subscribe

Subscribe to Receive ENS Alerts Via Text and Voice Message

Everyone at the University is subscribed to receive email alerts from ENS. You are strongly encouraged to subscribe to receive text and voice message alerts as well.

To determine whether a phone number is subscribed to receive text and/or voice alerts, log in to If no phone number is subscribed, the red banner shown below will display at the top of the webpage. 

To subscribe a phone number, complete these steps:

  1. Click the Register Phone button in the red banner.
  2. Complete the steps in the subscription wizard.  

For more details, view our step-by-step instructions.

Subscribe Additional Phone Numbers to ENS

You can subscribe more than one phone number to receive ENS text and/or voice alerts. For example, you may want to subscribe the phone number of a parent or guardian. To add another phone number to receive ENS alerts, complete these steps:

1. Log in to

2. The phone number(s) you have subscribed display under the Mobile Phones heading. To subscribe another number, click Add

3. Complete the steps in the subscription wizard.

Other Public Safety Resources

Crime Alerts

The Police Department issues a crime alert when a serious, unresolved crime is committed on or adjacent to campus, the crime creates a threat of immediate physical harm to faculty, staff or students, and the likelihood of repetition is such that a report is necessary to aid in the prevention of similar occurrences.

Crime Alerts are separate from the University's Emergency Notification Service (ENS). Subscribing to receive ENS alerts does not subscribe you to receive Crime Alerts. You must subscribe to Crime Alerts separately.

Subscribe to Crime Alerts   

All students, faculty, and staff at the University are subscribed to receive crime alerts via email. You are strongly encouraged to subscribe to receive text alerts as well using these steps: 

  1. Log in to

  2. Ensure your phone number appears under the Mobile Phones heading. If it does not, click Add and complete the steps in the subscription wizard. 

  3. Click the Opt-In Lists tab.

  4. Check the campus(es) for which you want to receive crime alerts. The list name options are as follows:

    • Crime Alerts (Bradford)
    • Crime Alerts (Greensburg)
    • Crime Alerts (Johnstown)
    • Crime Alerts (Pittsburgh Campus)
    • Crime Alerts (Titusville)

Rave Guardian App

The Rave Guardian app is an optional companion safety app that provides additional options for contacting the Pitt Police. Downloading the app does not subscribe you to receive ENS alerts or Crime Alerts.


How to Unsubscribe

If you decide to stop receiving notifications, you can cancel your subscription by removing your contact information at

  1. Log into
    1. Alternatively, you can log into
    2. Select the Login & Security tab
    3. Select "Emergency Notification System"
  2. Click the Red X to remove the relevant phone number(s)

NoteEmail alerts are mandatory for members of the University; there is no option to opt-out of email alerts.


Related Information



Article ID: 135
Tue 7/25/23 9:51 AM
Tue 1/30/24 8:17 AM

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