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Alteryx provides data scientists and data analysts with a Swiss Army-knife for data. It has tools for data extraction, transformation, geospatial mapping, and predictive analytics. Alteryx workflows can be scheduled to run on the University's Alteryx server.



About This Service

Key Features

  • Efficiency: Save time and effort by using automated workflows to replace manual data tasks.
  • Analytics for everyone: Create predictive, statistical, and spatial analytics for all code-free for analysts and code-friendly for data scientists.
  • Integrate data: Connect to data wherever it lives in the cloud, data warehouses, Excel, social media data, and other platforms.
  • Easy-to-use editor: Use a friendly drag-and-drop experience to prep, blend, and analyze data.
  • Adjust over time: Provides scalable customization, scheduling, and publication of analytics.

Getting and Using This Service

How do I access this service?

  • Favorite in myPitt: Go to myPitt
  • Purchase Alteryx Designer:

1. Log into PantherExpress.
2. Search for Alteryx.
3. Click Add to Cart.
4. Enter each user's information, one user per line in the requested format (last name, first name, University Computing Account username), then click Add to Cart.
5. An emailed receipt is sent to the user containing download instructions and the license key to complete the installation process.

Special Considerations

Alteryx Designer is available to faculty and staff by purchase through Panther Express. Alteryx Server access can be provided to faculty and staff who need to run analytics apps and workflows. A trial copy of Alteryx is available for first time users at

How do I request this service?

Submit a ticket by clicking the Request Help button on the upper right hand corner of this page.

Who can use this service?

Faculty, Staff



Status of Service Offering 

How do I get help?

Submit a ticket by clicking the Request Help button on the upper right hand corner of this page.

Request Help

Related Articles (2)

Frequently asked questions about business intellingence (BI) and analytics.
Getting started with Alteryx Self-Service Data Analytics