How much does Alteryx Designer cost?
Departments can purchase Alteryx Designer licenses for their users from CSSD Software Distribution via PantherExpress. Please see PantherExpress for current pricing. A 14-day trial is also available directly from the vendor ( Once a license is purchased, a key is provided that activates all Alteryx features. Reinstallation of Alteryx is not required.
Are there hardware requirements to run Alteryx?
Yes, hardware requirements are listed on the Alteryx website (
Can I schedule my Alteryx workflows to run automatically?
Yes. Users with an Alteryx Designer license receive access to publish workflows to the Alteryx server, where they can be run on-demand or scheduled to run at the desired interval.
What data sources can Alteryx connect to? What data sources can it write to?
Alteryx can connect and write to numerous databases - Oracle, SQL Server, Hadoop, ESRI, OleDB, Terradata Bulk and any ODBC connection. Alteryx can also connect and write out to a wide variety of data files, including Microsoft Access and Excel, flat and delimited files, geospatial data files (kml, geo), SAS, SPSS, and JSON.
Does Alteryx work with Tableau?
Alteryx can output data to Tableau extract formats (tde and hyper). Alteryx can publish those files directly to the Tableau server.
If I have an Alteryx license, can I access additional learning resources?
Alteryx license holders are invited to participate in a monthly user group. Group meetings are informal and allow Alteryx users to share tips and tricks, help each other with problem solving, and learn more about best practices. For more information, contact the Technology Help Desk at 412-624-HELP (4357).