The Student Information System (PeopleSoft) requires both a First and Last Name in Name related fields. If an individual only has a singular legal name, family name or surname for example, the following standard should be followed when entering the name associated with the individual.
The Student Information System (PeopleSoft) requires a First and Last Name in Name related fields. If an individual only has a singular legal name, family name or surname, the following standard should be followed when entering the name associated with the individual in PeopleSoft:
First Name Field: A period "." should be entered into the First Name field (without quotation marks).
Last Name Field: The one name, typically a family name, should be entered into the Last Name field.
Related Information
When searching by name within PeopleSoft, some portion of the Last Name must be entered when some portion of the First Name is entered. The Last Name and First Name search fields are used in conjunction with each other. In order to utilize the First Name search field, some search data must be entered in the Last Name search field as well. For this reason, it was decided to enter the singular name for an individual in the Last Name field, so the individual can be search by Last Name only.