Print Quota and Printing Costs
Currently registered students and faculty receive $63 per semester for printing. Students must be taking a Credit awarding course. Graduate students working on their Dissertation, for example, will not receive Print Quota. This printing quota may be used toward single or double-side printing, and black & white or color printing. Printing on black & white printers is $0.07 a sheet. Printing on color printers is $0.49 a sheet in color or $0.21 a sheet in black & White. This is equivalent to 900 sheets printed on black & white printers or about 128 sheets printed in color.
Please note: there may be differences between the estimated cost of a job in My Print Center (more information on this below) and the actual cost at the Print Station. For example, a color job will show up as $0.49 per sheet on My Print Center but will be charged $0.21 per sheet if printed in black & white on a color printer. The cost listed for a job at the Print Station is the accurate cost.
Print Quota Frequently Asked Questions
When are the print quotas reset?
Print quota is reset on a specific Saturday before each semester for students registered for the coming semester. The timings are:
- Fall term: quota is reset Saturday before classes start.
- Spring term: quota is reset Saturday before classes start.
- Summer term: quota is reset Saturday before full-term classes start.
Note: if you are not registered for the Summer term, but are registered for the Fall, you will received the refreshed Summer quota as well as the refreshed Fall quota.
How to I add funds to my printing account?
Additional print quota can be purchased by using using one of the Pharos Pay Stations located in the David Lawrence Hall and Cathedral of Learning Student Computing Labs. The pay stations accept only bills (up to $10) and coins (nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollar coins). Additional quota can be added via Panther Funds, credit card or cash at the Drop-In Support Desk at University Store on Fifth.
How do I view my Print Quota balance?
Available print quota balances are displayed on the Pitt Print Stations. This allows you to see your balance each time you print. You can also view your remaining print quota on My Print Center (
Can I get a refund for my unused balance?
Purchased printing funds are refundable after graduation if the remaining balance is $5.00 or more. Refund requests must be submitted within 60 days of graduation. To start a refund request, please contact the Technology Help Desk at 412-624-HELP (4357).
Print quota received at the beginning of each term is not eligible for refunds.
Is my Print Quota the same as Panther Funds?
Print Quota and purchased printing funds are separate from Panther Funds. In order to use Panther Funds to print, you must visit the Drop-In Support Desk at the University Store on Fifth to purchase additional print funds.