Feedback helps us keep our Knowledge Base up to date and relevant. Give feedback when content is unclear, incorrect, or could use improvement.
- When you leave feedback, make sure it is specific, actionable, and appropriate.
- Your name will be associated with the Feedback you leave.
Depending on how much information you leave in your feedback, you may receive an email from a Pitt IT Knowledge editor requesting more information.
Leaving Feedback
- Click Yes or No in the Was this helpful? box under the article.
- Click Yes if the article is technically correct but you want to suggest how it could be improved.
- Click No if the article is not technically correct.
The Comments box appears.
- Enter specific, actionable, and appropriate feedback.
- Click Submit.
Feedback examples
- Incorrect: The steps in this article are too short and choppy; combine some of them instead of listing out so many separate things to do.
- Correct: Steps 3 - 10 could easily be combined into 3 steps instead of 7.
- Incorrect: The uses for this tool are vague.
- Correct: Include some of the specific uses for this tool that people can easily relate to.
Addresses content issues without addressing the author of the article
- Incorrect: You don't have steps 5-8 listed in the correct order for how someone would even do this task.
- Correct: Steps 5-8 need to be correctly ordered so a user can successfully complete this task.