If you need to make and receive external calls using your Microsoft Teams app, a teams phone number is needed. Internal calls between Pitt Team members can be made without a phone number assignment. Here's how to get one.
A service order - a TSR (Telecommunications Service Request) needs to be submitted. In order to submit the order, you will need to know:
- Your 32 digit account number for monthly billing- This is refereed to as your GL number.
- Pitt UCA - University Computer Account, IE: (alias accounts are not valid)
- Building
- Room number
- If you're a remote worker, please use your main office location
- If you cannot access the above TSR link, go to: - search forms, and choose Voice and Data Services Request
- Submit the form
Note: Pitt IT - Telecommunications has a five (5) day SLA (Service Level Agreement) from the time the order is submitted to complete. This is, of course, provided the correct information has been submitted.