Schedule Builder

Tags Students

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A tool used to help students create their optimal class schedule using specifications that they choose. Students can add courses to Schedule Builder and have the tool generate multiple class schedules for consideration. When eligible, students can enroll directly from the optimized class schedule they built within Schedule Builder. Advisors can also create schedules and save for students to utilize.



About This Service

Key Features

  • Course information and availability: Schedule Builder provides comprehensive course information, including course descriptions, prerequisites, and available sections. Students can easily access this information to make informed decisions about their course selections.
  • Visual representation: Schedule Builder offers a visual representation of the schedule, displaying classes in a calendar-like format. This visual layout helps students visualize their weekly commitments, identify potential conflicts or gaps, and make adjustments as needed.
  • Flexibility and exploration: Schedule Builder enables students to explore different course combinations and scheduling options. Students can experiment with various classes and schedule arrangements to find the best fit for their academic goals, preferences, and personal obligations.

Getting and Using This Service

How do I access this service?

How do I request this service?

Access to Schedule Builder is automatically provisioned based on PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Access as a student or advisor.

Who can use this service?

 Students, Staff (Advisors)



Status of Service

How do I get help?

Submit a ticket by clicking the Request Help button on the upper right hand corner of this page.

Request Help

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How to access Schedule Builder documentation on the Office of the University Registrar site.


Service ID: 16
Tue 5/23/23 3:22 PM
Fri 8/16/24 3:06 PM