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The University's Faculty Information System (Elements) provides a single point of organization, presentation, and reporting of scholarly and research activities. From publications and research data to grants, teaching and professional activities, Elements can be used to collect, understand, and showcase scholarly activities while making the data available for repurpose and reuse.



About This Service

Key Features

  • Automate publication claiming: Confirm an author identifier and Elements will automatically claim all associated publications for it — now and in the future.
  • Find experts and potential collaborators: Search the database using simple or advanced criteria for publication metadata, colleague research interests, and teaching or professional activities including and other areas of interest.
  • Showcase academic achievements and evidence of impact: Collect and reuse information pertaining to scholarly output to create a rich online profile for viewing by peers at the institution and reuse in departments and schools.
  • Generate CVs, Biosketches, and Faculty Reports: Export profile information using the pre-defined template formats for output, editing, and sharing with peers, administrators, chairs, and deans.

Getting and Using This Service

How do I access this service?

How do I request this service?

Access to this service is automatically granted if you are a member of the group that has been assigned permission to use this service.

Who can use this service?

Faculty, Staff



Status of Service Offering 

How do I get help?

Submit a ticket by clicking the Request Help button on the upper right hand corner of this page.

Request Help

Related Articles (7)

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Answers to frequently-asked questions about the University's Faculty Information System (Elements).
The University's Faculty Information System (Elements) provides a single point of organization, presentation, and reporting of scholarly and research activities. From publications and research data to grants, teaching and professional activities, Elements can be used to collect, understand, and showcase scholarly activities while making the data available for repurpose and reuse.
How to manage favorites in Faculty Information System (Elements)
Information about managing research interests in Faculty Information System (Elements).


Service ID: 25
Tue 5/23/23 4:03 PM
Tue 4/23/24 9:04 AM