Enterprise Digital Signage FAQ


Dive into the "sign-chronicities" of our Digital Signage FAQs, where Poppulo (formerly Four Winds) powers the pixels to answer your burning questions!



What does the service cost?

You can find the current license cost in Service - PantherExpress (pitt.edu).  Each Digital Sign is licensed individually.  This does not cover the cost of the signage hardware. 


What media formats can I use for Content?

The vendor states the following file types are able to be used. (Click to expand)

What are the Recommended content design specifications?

While content will always need to be designs for the orientation of the sign here are some guidelines for a starting point.  Please adjust these Landscape centric settings for your Portrait orientated devices.

  • Content Dimension: 
    • Minimal 1080p
      • This will allow for proper up scaling to fit most screens.  
  • Content Aspect Ratio:
    • 16:9
  • Content File Size:
    • Smaller the better
      • Content will download to the sign, and display quicker compared to larger content.
      • There is a hard limit of 10gb, though it might cause delays in the content to display.


How do I have content show on Digital Signage around campus?

You will want to reach out to the owner of the digital sign.  Need some help finding that?  Let us help and open a service request.


How do I help my signs display their best?

Take a look at this Article - Enterprise Digital Signage - Standard Configuration - Recommendations for the most up to date suggestions.


Where do I report issues with Enterprise Digital Signage?

Open a service request to let us know.  Please include the Building, Floor, closest room number.  It is much appreciated.


Where do I log into Enterprise Digital Signage?

After on boarding with your department, You can log into the platform via Sign In | Poppulo Harmony (fwicloud.com) with your university credentials.

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Article ID: 1002
Wed 4/10/24 3:17 PM
Wed 9/4/24 4:03 PM

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POPPULO/FOUR WINDS Pitt Information Technology offers Enterprise Digital Signage to help University departments create and manage the content that is displayed on their digital signs.