Software plays an integral role in fulfilling the University of Pittsburgh's mission of education and higher learning. Pitt IT provides a wide variety of software titles to students, faculty, and staff through the University's agreements with software vendors. There are several ways you can get software via our Software Distribution Services. Learn about rules for software compliance and guidelines for departments and home use. You can suggest new software, or get additional help with software. We also provide guidelines for avoiding and dealing with harmful software.
Academic Courseware for Faculty
Adobe Software
Alteryx Designer
Alteryx: Alteryx U.S. Location Insights
ArcGIS for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
AutoCAD for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
Bentley Systems: Academic SELECT Portfolio
Centrify User Suite for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
ChemOffice Professional for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
Clark Labs: IDRISI TerrSet Lab Kit
Cloud Storage (
Corel for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
gFTP for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
Hexagon AB: ERDAS Imagine
IBM SPSS Statistics for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
JMP for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
MacKichan Software: Scientific WorkPlace
Maple for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
Mathematica for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
MATLAB for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
Microsoft Desktop Software for Departments
Microsoft Home Use Software for Faculty and Staff
Microsoft MyAnalytics
Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus
NVivo for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
Parallels Desktop for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
Polycom RealConnect for Microsoft 365 for Faculty / Depts.
Graphpad Prism for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
PTC Mathcad for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
PTC: Creo View MCAD Professional
PuTTY for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
Quest Software: Toad Data Point Professional Edition
SAS Analytics for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
Scigress for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
SecureU Software for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
SecureZIP for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
Software in Student Computing Labs
Stat/Transfer: Stat/Transfer
Stata for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
StuffIt for Faculty / Staff / Depts.
SyncRO Soft SRL: Oxygen XML Editor
Systat Software: SigmaPlot
Toad for Oracle (Quest)
Toad for Oracle DBA Suite
Toad for Oracle Xpert Edition
WinSCP for Faculty / Staff / Depts.