Using Cloud Printing in uniFLOW

Send Files to Cloud: Browser or Email

  1. Log into uniFLOW. For additional assistance, see the article on how to log in.
  2. Drag and drop files into the Drag files to print section. (Alternatively, send to

Using the Chrome Browser Extension

In addition to other features, uniFLOW provides a web extension to allow printing from Google Drive, Google Workspace, Chromebooks, and Chrome browser. Follow these steps to install the extension:

  1. Install the browser extension from the Chrome web store.
  2. Tap the icon for the extension in the extension dock.
  3. Fill in the tenant URL which is and click Sign in.
  4. Click on Pitt SSO to sign in and complete authentication via Pitt Passport.
  5. Once you've completed the Pitt Passport authentication, you should be directed to the screen below:

Verify Active Connection

View the extension icon from the extension dock. When it is successfully logged on, the icon appears like . When it is not connected, it will appear like .

Print Article

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The University Managed Print Services program, through assessments, is designed to identify both managed multi-function print devices (MFD) and unmanaged print devices (UPD) then provide a proposal to meet the operational need of the department with Canon managed print devices.  For more information on program terminology, please visit our Printing Services Terminology page to learn more.
How to log in to uniFLOW and configure it for use with the new Canon printers.
Set advanced settings using uniFLOW to set paper size, duplex, scaling, etc. Included is a work around for using basic cloud printing (via mobile device, web page, or plugin) which lacks this feature.
Using uniFlow with new Canon devices.
How to install the drivers for Secure Pitt Print also known as uniFLOW.
How to use uniFLOW tools with the new Canon printer. Scan to email, scan to SharePoint, scan to OneDrive and secure printing in one tool.
How to configure and use an iOS or Android mobile device with uniFLOW.

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