Articles (9)

Multifactor Authentication (MFA) with Microsoft Authenticator

Provides instructions and how-tos for setting up and using the Microsoft Authenticator app for multifactor authentication with Pitt Passport accounts.

My Duo Token Isn't Working

What do do if your Duo hardware token stops working

Setting Up Multifactor Authentication with Duo

Get started with multifactor authentication, provided by Duo Security.

Understanding Alternative Authentication Devices for Duo

Explore alternatives to the Duo Mobile smartphone app for multifactor authentication.

Choosing What Type of Device to Register

A guide to understanding and choosing a multifactor option to register with Duo

Authentication Options for Duo

The authentication options available when logging into Duo

What Happens if I Become Locked Out of Duo?

What to do if you get locked out of Duo

Duo Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions about Duo